Recognizer's Replies

I think Arya will kill her. And yeah, the city had surrendered, so Dany had no excuse for her action. She's an evil tryrant rivalling even Cersei. My wife immediately suggested #3 after we watched this episode. Go troll someplace else, cheesedick. Yeah, Sansa has become an annoying little biatch. Star Trek: The Next Generation Yoda: For a dragon queen, it is time to get a caffeine fix as well, yes? Lol šŸ˜‚ I endorse this message! I think thatā€™s the point of the story - Chuck was a better man by the end, having been transformed by his experience and realising what was really important in life. I basically interpreted it as ā€œthis is where brute force and ignorance gets youā€. We could see how impatient Dany was in the meeting, and got angry with those that suggested she wait so they could regroup, recover and plan. Add to that her hubris due to thinking the dragons made her invincible... I sincerely hope not The Last Jedi killed it. Or more precisely, the way it deeply divided the fanbase. A house divided against itself cannot stand. To quote Han: ā€œItā€™s all trueā€ Or, to quote Stellan Skarsgaard in ā€œRoninā€: ā€œWhat might have been conducted in a more collegial atmosphere has now been fucked into a cocked hatā€ As soon as I saw that scene the first time, I said to my wife that Ant Man is going to be the key to defeating Thanos. Nice to be right sometimes šŸ˜ Because Disney demanded a "girl power" scene Spider-man is still a kid really, so he's not really suited to a leadership role at this time. Black panther has some merit, since he's already the leader of Wakanda. Thor is the natural choice, but as you say, he's gone off with the Guardians now. What about Dr. Strange? After all, he was the one in IW who did what was necessary to make sure the winning timeline happened. He keeps a cool head, and takes the logical, rational course of action. Anyone but Capt. Marvel. If she became leader now, it would feel rushed and like she didn't earn it the way the others have. Near invincible, but apparently unable to take out Thanos pre-stones šŸ¤” Apparently the Russos didnā€™t want her in it at all, but grudgingly added her in post at the behest of Disney. *crickets* šŸ˜† Iā€™ll go you one better: why didnā€™t they use the time machine to go back to a point in time before Thanos had any stones or the gauntlet and kill him? Problem solved. No need to bother gathering the infinity stones at all. Well, given he'd killed half the universe, I wouldn't be taking any chances. And they didn't go there merely for a revenge kill - they wanted to obtain the stones so they could undo what he'd done. Once they find that Thanos destroyed the stones they had no further use for him, and Thor simply executed him for the murderer that he was - a perfectly justified and reasonable execution in my book. Ah yes, thatā€™s it! Thanks man šŸ‘