sunnydee's Replies

So, literally the ONLY interesting or "new" thing about Black Panther is that his suit is all black? Instead of black and gray? Or even entirely different colors (like, I dunno, green or red/gold)? That is the saddest defense of a character ever. So, a half dozen infinitely more interesting characters, with different personalities and backstories, were strategists, detectives, acrobats, crimefighters, tech geniuses, playboys, and rich a full generation before Black Panther was created. But his suit is ALL black. Not just part black. ALL. BLACK. And, again, read carefully -- BP came out in 1966. Batman's utility belt debuted in -- wait for it -- 1939. Gadget heavy strategist has been Batman's MO from the beginning. Did you hear the joke about how they were the "Tolkien white guys" ... because Bilbo and Gollum? That made me laugh. :) Real Batman? WTH? Batman debuted in 1939. Green Arrow came out in 1941. The Atom was 1940 (Ray Palmer was 1961). Iron Man came out in 1963. Black Panther debuted in 1966. Those are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. BP isn't even the first knock-off billionaire, tech-heavy super hero.