lelomufo's Replies

Absolutely! It was not believable at all. He should have been with the neighbour instead. I'm mad that most of Fezco's problems have been caused by Rue and she just gets away with it I am also confused about this, it looks like maybe they just humiliated him but they didn't make it clear Her character makes me want to punch her in the face Thanks I must have missed that in the movie So do we assume Kevin Snr really was just schizophrenic the whole time and wasn't receiving messages from a higher power? Maybe it was impregnated into someone else? Me too I gave up on AHS but this is great So frustrating we will never know :-( Me too I was so happy with the ending. I binged S1-3 but took forever to finish S4 coz I was upset that Linden & Holder were fighting and I wasn't feeling it. I have a crush on Holder now. Great show I wondered the same. If the stansbury's never wanted kyle why would they take him in as a baby. They never explained why Margaret gave up the baby besides the fact that she was in the army and timing was bad. Shame, I just finished it and loved it