MovieMadness's Replies

This forum is TINY part of society as a whole. The movie industry is a BUSINESS that caters to a MUCH LARGER GROUP than those that admire GWTW! Businesses look at bottom lines and HAVE to be mindful of the social mores. I hate to break it to most of you, but people today aren't ready to embrace this film as much anymore. And it has reached a tipping point. Yeah, having "most people" agree with you here doesn't do much for any you, does it? Your arrogance comes from saying "some people find racism in everything," which is a DUMB, sweeping, negative statement that immediately takes away all your credibility, because YOU are the one making presumptions about everyone, buddy. I could easily say, "some people never find racism in anything," but I didn't. So how was I arrogant? This is why the decision against GWTW was made -- because you people can't convince anyone you're right with your poor arguments and poor argumentative skills as indicated by your posts. What have the media done exactly? Anyone can look up public records to see the real history of the old South! The southern states put slave ownership in their constitution! THE EVIDENCE IS IN THE PUDDING, BUDDY. If you have to talk conspiracy, the only one is where the southern states trying to downplay the role of slavery in the Civil War. Again, stop acting somebody just stabbed your firstborn. Ranting because a decision doesn't go your way doesn't make you right. If you want to be right, you must convince people you are right, with persuasive ARGUMENTS. Plenty of debates have been made about this film, and the conclusion is clear: advocating a return to slavery is RACIST. Again, no censorship is happening here. The prevailing COLLECTIVE sentiment pushes the needle to where it is. If enough people are unhappy about it like you are, the needle will be coming back. But you gotta convince people! With intelligent arguments. But from what I've seen from you, you and people like you don't seem capable of that. This decision made against GWTW was not the result of any "dictatorship," but of PUBLIC OPINION which already FACTORED IN opinions like yours. In other words, this was already a DEMOCRATIC decision. But there just aren't enough people like you to cause the outcome that you desire, see. Maybe 20, 30, 50 years ago, there were. Public opinion changes over time, always has, always will. It's not that "some people find racism in everything." It's just that some find racism in something that you think that has no racism. Are you that arrogant in thinking whatever you think is right? If you find the views of others are shocking, others may also find yours shocking too. Nobody has to "ban" anything to make something go away, buddy. Is GWTW being banned now? Is anyone "banning" you from watching the film? There is something called prevailing public opinion, let me educate you on that. NOBODY HAS TO DO A THING and changes in opinions will still come NATURALLY. It's almost like a Darwinian process. You're acting like someone is behind a curtain and "tells" everyone what to think. Nobody forces anyone to think this is a racist book, see. Sooner or later, the prevailing opinion pushes the needle finally over to the other side! And there isn't a damn thing anybody can do. I'm simply describing what is happening, will happen, and has always happened throughout history. It's sad sometimes you "bet on the wrong horse" in history, as it were, but sometimes you bet on the right one too. You win some, you lose some, happens to everyone. To see you people so violated as if someone just stabbed your mother when in fact this is simply HISTORY TAKING ITS NATURAL PATH, is hilarious. Fiction is not just for telling a story, my friend. It expresses points of views, sentiment, ideologies, etc. You need to take some literature class to learn the how fiction works. Even something as innocuous as Pretty Woman (the 1990 movie) expresses some provocative themes about society. And THAT is the reason for the opposition of GWTW. You can admire the language, storytelling, and historical significance, etc., but you can't deny its problematic nature of its romanticization of the slavery era and the yearning for the old days to come back. That is the TRUTH whether you people choose to believe it or not. And if you don't, then you are simply out of touch with today's social mores. People simply aren't so quick to celebrate and embrace this film anymore. If we had a red carpet event for the 80th anniversary last year, YOU KNOW the first question the stars would be asked before they even got out of their limos would be, what do you think of the film's controversy? And maybe that's what will be done, when it needs to be done. And when that happens there is nothing you can do about that. POSTERITY always determines the worth of everything and what to do with it. And maybe we WILL do that and/or future generations will. Posterity ALWAYS determines if anything and *everything* is any good, doesn't it? And their opinion simply *is*. And again, nobody is around forever to complain about it. There are some things you just can't whitewash, such as racial injustice. Yes, certain fiction can be racist too, such as Hitler's propaganda. Those who keep on endorsing GWTW need to realize that eventually your thinking will disappear from the face of the Earth (gone with the wind indeed) because YOU DON'T LIVE FOREVER to spread that thinking. Future generations will eventually grow up in world where such thinking simply won't exist anymore. You might as well correct that thinking now and give yourself some peace. Those who defend this film need to understand the film and the novel present a whitewashed, romanticized view of the old South that was far from reality and is problematic today in many ways. Yes, the story depicts, on occasion, negative behavior from some southerners (beating slaves, being incompetent, etc.). But the point of view and sympathy lie strictly on the southerners, in a "we the people will rise again" kind of way. We are made to "side" with the southerners and feel their pain and yearn for their old lifestyle to come back. That is a problematic mindset today because WHERE is the concern for black people in all this? WHERE is the depiction of barbaric behavior by the slave owners such as lynching and rape? The lifestyle so yearned for in the story would mean blacks would continue to be enslaved and without human rights, and totally at the mercy of whites. I don't know how ANYONE of you in this day and age could avoid the inescapable conclusion that such a system (and the yearning for it as depicted in GWTW) has no place in today's civilized 21st century world. Yes, I know you don't want to be called racist by association of your love for this film. But please FREE yourself from this CHARADE of calling the film and novel not a racist depiction, because it is. The sentiment expressed in it, is. The tolerance for that kind of inhumane, barbaric behavior, is. Not calling is racist, IS! That's just an unnamed music cue in the film like all other music cues. Only the 3 pop songs in the film have titles. The filmmakers might have names internally for all the music tracks, but the public wouldn't know unless the tracks were published as a soundtrack album. Unfortunately, film soundtrack albums were rare in HK at the time. And as far as I know, no official album was ever made for this film. There was a fan-made album, however, but that was just a rip from the film's music. That album did name all the tracks. I believe that music you referred to was called "Beauty." But again, that was just a fan-created name and didn't really mean anything. I saw it when it came out and agreed with pretty much everyone, including critics and viewers at the time, that the second segment was the best. The other 2 segments tried to inject some social commentary a la Twilight Zone but that kind of thing didn't quite work for Creepshow. The hitchhiker segment overtly referenced the dragging deaths of black men we've seen in the news, but it was just too crudely made even for horror. And of course, in this kind of films, sex kills. The lady driver was sex-starved, and the teenagers on the raft were promiscuous. So the only thing missing was someone humping that Indian statue! Just want to (belatedly) add a little bit into this discussion. Btw, I hope you are all doing well in these difficult times. In the filmmaking process, the important individuals are the ones who work on the set. The screenwriter often doesn't come to the set, unless he or she is also the director. So to "represent" the writer on set, the job of "script supervisor" was born. This person has the important task of telling the director, for instance, how much screen time is needed for Page A to Page B on the script. If it has too much screen time, lines are cut, simple as that. No screenwriters would object because they all understand the importance of keeping the film under a certain run time. The script supervisor also informs everyone on the set the "continuity" from scene to scene or shot to shot, e.g. whether the actor's posture or the position of key prop item look the right way from one shot to the next, etc. None of this key info is on the script. The screenwriter would be of no help in this important day-to-day workflow. This is yet another reason the screenwriter is often of lesser importance in the filmmaking process. Search "script supervisor" on Youtube to see a nice recent video on what the job entails. This is probably the most important position in filmmaking that is not awarded the Oscar (supposedly because it has nothing to "arts and science" which the Academy is about). It's currently only on cable (Nat Geo), then it will air on Fox later this year. No replays, on-demand, etc. right now, so it must be an exclusive thing for those two networks. After the airings, maybe there will be on-demand, Blu-ray, DVD, etc. Buddy, if you don't even know basic facts from your grade-school social science class, then you are in no position to judge who is an moron and who isn't, LOL. Every time you post on the Internet, somebody is going to expose your low IQ and PUT YOU AT YOUR PLACE with tremendous ease. One more reason people like you have to hide behind computers. How old are you and what is your IQ anyway, for you to write something as dumb as this? "Separation of church and state" has NOTHING to do whether you are religious or not. It just means you need to separate your religious feelings from lawmaking. You can be religious (as many government officials are), but you can't use any religious text or edicts as tools to draft laws. So who's the stupid moron here buddy? GO BACK TO THIRD GRADE and learn basic American history. Thanks for proving yet again that some of the most hateful people are also some of the dumbest people! And YOU should read what I wrote: if you aren't afraid to spew your hate in public then DO IT. But we both know you can't, don't we, ha ha. I have no hate to spew, see, so I have nothing to say in public. This is why we have separation of church and state, so that religious nutjobs like you can't write our laws. "Do people call you 'Movie' or 'Madness'?" LOL, God is embarrassed (again) by your feeble attempt at witty repartee! Then when is lightning going to strike me? When is Grim Reaper going to knock on my door? Then, maybe, what I did is not a sin. But the second you go outside and spew your hate, you'll have some REAL punishment waiting for you! Just try! God won't help you there! Gee, maybe He thinks you people are sinners instead, LOL. Is God a hypocrite too, LOL?? Maybe that's why you people have to HIDE BEHIND YOUR COMPUTERS to post your hateful feelings. God would be *embarrassed" if you did it in broad daylight under his name. The Pope is better off without hateful people like you as a believer anyway, and so is any religion, for that matter. Any good religion like Christianity is about compassion and forgiveness, not about the hateful spiel you people spill. The source of your hate is not gays, not what your religion tells you, whichever it might be, but your own PERSONAL ISSUES that create that hate. Look into YOURSELVES to fix that hate, buddy, and look into others (including gays) for inspiration and enlightenment instead, since you apparently have none.