plainstyle's Replies

Unfortunately there's no easy way to check, but I'm pretty sure there's a larger audience who cares about the characters and their stories than those who are just looking for a gorefest/bloodbath. Gore was never what this show was focused on in the first place, even if there was a bit of a helping of it on the side. Season 7 episode 1 was the most poorly received TWD ep in recent memory. It was also one of the goriest. I don't know how they got it in their heads that all that many people wanted to see something so demoralizing and so bloody in the first place, but I think they've learned their lesson thanks to the poor reviews/reactions (seriously go look on Youtube at how the most popular reaction channel-ers took it) and ratings drops. (From what I understand, there are even people who didn't make it through the ep at all; it's like a modern version of what happened when The Exorcist was in theatres in the 1970s.) The point of that scene was to show that he meant what he said to Michonne before about how they have to go on even if he loses her or she loses him, etc. Whether you like or agree with his resolve is up to you, but he's certainly not "waiting for Shiva." He now respects what Carl told him to do in the premiere (to go ahead and sacrifice him to save the others). Eventually Lorca should get in trouble for using Stamets to run the drive, among other things. Yes, sending in the commanding officers for just about anything is something I've been questioning at least since TNG aired, but I believe they've been doing it since TOS and I can't imagine they're suddenly going to stop now. (I suspect in most cases it's a convention for giving all top-billed actors maximum screen time.) In the case of negotiations, I don't understand what you mean. Of course it's going to be someone with a high rank. It's an insult to the other party if you send someone with no real decision making power. It wasn't my favourite ep for sure, though I'm glad El's visit with her real mama happened and that it led her somewhere new. I just wish Kali's character made more sense. It's hard to empathize with someone you know so little about. I thought maybe we'd a better introduction when she followed El back and helped the gang fight the Mind Flayer, but things obviously didn't go that way. Perhaps in S3 she will be reformed and will help fight the Mind Flayer, but for now there's not much intrigue around her, and I think there should be. Tilly is a young (and apparently younger than most), eager, easily-excitable cadet. I don't recall a lot of young women cadets in the past, but I don't see anything especially "sorority-like" about her, and it's not exactly unusual for past Star Trek cadets to be overeager. Most of them just haven't been female. Good question about the drive. I suspect they've normalized Lt. Stamets doing it (at least on the Discovery proper), though it would have been nice if they specifically said so during the ep. Yes, Lorca's been shady from the start and eps 5-6 started to give us some answers as to why that is. It seems his heart is in the right place, but his ethics are clearly not in line with those of Star Fleet or the Federation. He was overdue to be reined in for faking his way through his psychological screenings, but the Admiral that was going to make sure that happens has now been taken prisoner, whoops. I would love if you were right but Michonne says to Carl she "still hurts all over" (paraphrase) and I thought that was supposed to mean their scenes (aside from Rick's dream sequences) took place only a few weeks after the battle at Alexandria. (She should have had some remaining bruise makeup, especially in a Nicotero-directed ep, but I figured they just got lazy. The new Judith looks a little too old but I figured that's just a casting issue.) Very interesting; the "different Ricks" thing didn't occur to me before but it definitely fits. I couldn't shake the idea the times meaning something, but I have no idea what. If you want to reach a little, the lookouts could be for the number of full-blown villains Rick and his allies defeated prior to encountering the Saviors: Governor/Woodbury, Gareth/Terminus, Dawn/Hospital, Alpha(?)/Wolves. I'm not a fan of how they did the premiere, but I don't think most episodes do that. In the S7 finale it worked because there was only one time period we jumped to and it became clearer and clearer with each flashback just what was going on. In this case it looks like they wanted to hint at or foreshadow something but it was hard to tell what was happening, where each piece fits, and what the point of Rick's dream sequences was. Best sense anyone seems to be able to make of it is that someone very close to Rick will die, or possibly Rick himself (though I doubt that). What point? I have yet to make sense of your complaint, or why you gave this thread a title that implies your biggest problem is time loops. You list some stuff you don't like, and then don't elaborate on any of it. There are definitely technologies in the series that we haven't seen an explanation for yet. That might be a deal breaker for you, but it doesn't affect the plot and characters, which is what most viewers care the most about. If you can't suspend your concern over this until you get more information like the rest of us have, then there's no point obsessing over it. You have to understand that you might have seen some Ataris around in those days but home consoles just didn't explode until the NES. Arcades like we see in season 2 were still a thing even in the early 1990s, and they were certainly much more versatile and enjoyable than much of what came out for Atari. Until NES hit its stride, arcade boxes had consistently better graphics, better audio, high scores to compare with friends AND strangers, and the controls were at least as good and often better than an Atari could muster. If I understand chrisjdel right, it was indeed corporeal, but just took the form of a massive swarm. After all, it can't infect you if it can't interact with your physical body (unless you want to get into the realm of spiritual possession or something). When Will had his last episode of being in the Upside Down, it probably strengthened its already existing presence by more thoroughly infesting his body and then hitchhiked back with him, relaying its stronger "signal" through the open gate. btw I'm not convinced the entity was still determined to return. I just got the impression it was frustrated, but it had yet to weigh its options, so to speak, and decide what to do next. How about we put the pointless no true Scotsman fallacy aside and try to be specific. Once again, why should TNG have a permanent lock on time loops that no present or future ST franchise can supposedly ever touch? Time loop storylines rock. I've tried out every variation of time loop story I could since the late 80s/early 90s. Explain exactly where the problem lies. If you need to watch the ep first, I'll wait. I'm still very eager to see this play out. Ep 6 was full of hints! How many Star Trek series have you watched? Just TNG? Every ST series has episodes messing with time. It's one of the things I've always liked about the franchise. And TNG didn't invent the idea of the time loop. I forget the exact wording, but on Twitter they specifically said Discovery was doing so well attracting viewers, it was renewed. If two people brushing their teeth is too sexual for you, or there is a priority order of relationship types that you need your programming to follow, then I agree with MichaelPacino. This just isn't a show for you to watch. Also, from what I understand, Netflix had nothing to do with this show's content. They put up money for streaming rights but the show was directly produced by CBS. I gave it an 8 on imDb, and I imagine most people chose to watch the show so that they could enjoy a new Star Trek and not to fault-find or hate-watch, so I'm not surprised at all. If you look at reactions on social media, they're largely full of love for the series too. I'm guessing you mean pay *twice* to watch it, because you're in the US and have to deal with CBS' streaming service? If so, I feel you. If you have a Netflix subscription, I expect season 1 should become available on US and Canadian Netflix after the live run of it is over on CBS' streaming service. I have to say since ep 3 it's been better and better, too.