drthdrt's Replies

Check his profile, this is the only post he's ever made. He is obviously a troll. Reported In that case, I would like to add "The Matrix" to my list That's two movies, you can only choose one :) Contact (1997) Honestly, I tried to come up with a better title but I couldn't. I think there's something wrong with you! Those posts are archived posts from IMDb. :) That was actually me. [url]https://moviechat.org/general/General-Discussion/59410b435e37870011cef1d5/Im-officially-the-36000th-post-WOO-HOO?reply=594f2068ab637d0011fb0b05[/url] This reply is the 40.000th. Social media would be a good start! Why are your replies hidden from your profile page? Is it a new feature? Devil's Due Air Bud. How about you post your review here instead of directing us to your website?! She's referring to the post count of the General Discussion section. Would you care to explain? Edit: I got it. High School Musical 2: On Stage Edit: This thread just hit 1000 replies. Totally agree. They should've stopped at the first one and have the title of the greatest sci-fi movie of all time.