MovieChat Forums > Dallas > Replies

Dallas's Replies

lol Are you fucking serious? At least six of the guys around trump have all been caught lying about being in communication with russia. Theres proof of that everywhere, you can google it yourself Im not your fucking search engine. Must be nice to be able to dismiss truth as buzzwords. Which I could bury my head in the sand and not take any personal responsibility for the dumb fuck you voted for. Im not in the US mr dickhead. Im dont get bombarded with dogshit propaganda from fox news and cnn. But who gives a shit, I have ears and eyes and Ive seen and heard what trump has said and done. You must be one clueless piece of shit to still believe hes fighting for the little guy and that hes not a fucking traitor. I wouldnt worry, Im sure this is just the beginning of the end of them. Shes going to refuse to pardon frank, or keep dangling it in front of him "I was always going to pardon you, it was just a question of timing". Once she got what she wanted she didnt care about frank anymore outside of how it would benefit her. The whole season hes being showing signs of returning to the old way of doing things that she didnt like. So when she says "my turn" it means my turn to treat you like shit. His daughter committed suicide. Scotland has oil, and of course can sell that. Before the referendum there were questions about how much oil was left, with the unionists claiming there was none left. Of course within weeks of the referendum it turned out there was a newly discovered field with loads of the stuff. But even without the oil Scotland has loads to offer. The unionists claim that Scotland is a burden on the uk. Yet the Torys who have almost no support in the country fought tooth and nail to keep Scotland a part of the uk. Even going so far as to lie about a great many things including the oil. The Labour Party joined together with the Torys against Scottish independence. For a country that supposedly brings nothing to the table, a lot of people went out of their way to make sure it didn't leave. One of the best things about Scotland is that most of them saw that the two party state wasn't working and supported a third. The scottish national party. A party made up of people with different ideologies but a central goal of having Scotland be self determining. At the last election they got 56 of the 59 seats in Scotland. Almost every Scottish seat. And that was after the referendum. Interestingly at the time of the referendum there was an assertion by the Russians that the referendum had been done in a not so on the up manner. The eu gaining strength might be s problem. With the U.K. Voting to leave there will be a great many other members watching how it goes. If the uk ends up being no the first of many, that might cause a big problem for the region, as I see putins Russia continuing to push boundaries and with trump saying America will be moving away from supporting the eu there won't really be anyone strong enough to stop them. They havent put any of the preceding time to good use, dont know why they would start now. That would make for a pretty grim smurfs movie. I could not agree with you more if I tired. Brilliant post. The reason scotland stayed part of the uk is down to simple minds. Simple minds that couldnt be bothered to educate themselves as to what independence would actually mean. Some thought it meant scotland would be giving up the queen, and if you kow anything about scotland youll know its a place that has deep religious barriers running through it. The queen would stillhave been the head of state, but they were so scared of losing her(for some stupid reason) that they voted to stay. Other thought the country would be worse off thanks to being bombarded by propaganda from the right wing Rupert Murdock led tabloids. for others they thought they were voting for the SNP to take over scotland forever. So as you can see lots of dumb people, at least 55%. You see its actually worse than they voted to stay and have no say in how the uk is run, that 55% actually did that even though the disabled population was and still is being brutalised by the current tory government. And when I say brutalised I mean the families of people who have died of cancer are being told that their dead family members are fit to work and not eligible for help. Some people have even died during the assessments and been found fit for work. And yet england voted for more of that. And scotland voted by 55% to remain a part of that. And yes, sadly you are right. The right wing propaganda machine has most people brain washed that anything that might help with is socialism and anything that actually is socialism and/or communism. Imagine getting angry because someone whats to offer you free healthcare? Thats just beyond stupid. And yes, I know trump isnt representing the rural people and my guess is that even though they will be much worse off, their pride will stop them from ever admitting that they choice poorly. I expect trump to win another term just because of pure stupidity. World war 3 has been going on for years buddy, I dont know what the fuck your talking about. And so far trump seems to be doing a damn good job of making things worse. Except with russia. For some reason hes making them really happy. Hes already put up a wall between the US and europe, which gives russia more power in the region to expand its borders into the Ukraine for example. Youre going to have to accept that trump lied to you. So please stop doubling down on stupid. So, so , so much needs to change. Simply changing how the vote is done wont be enough. Clinton winning the popular vote wouldnt have actually changed anything. Shes still in the pocket of somebody. Same shit different face telling you america is number one. House of cards is suppose to be drama, not a fucking documentary. Things seriously need to change. And it cant just be outrage every 4 years. It has to be a constant pressure to see a real change in the country. Imagine what the country, hell, the world would look like if governments were actually held to account by the people? People get so wrapped up in left and right and never see that its actually us and them. Whether we agree on health care, or gun laws or wars in whatever part of the world we're fucking up this week, we should all agree that our representatives should be representing us, and not just lining their own pockets. I think you may be under the impression im right wing, I can assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. The popular vote will not work. You can say its fair till your blue in the face, but its simply not true. Differenet parts of the country need different things, have different beliefs etc etc. Large population centres like the new yorks and the californias are all that would matter. The smaller states would still be ignored. Scotland is not a bad example, because it an example of a group that has different values than the larger population. But because it has one tenth the population its largely ignored. Perhaps I wasnt clear before, The scottish vote has not made a difference in over 70 years! Thats 70 years of being ignored. Thats 70 years of having no recourse when dissatisfied with our government. Scotland cant vote out a government like it would have loved to do in the 80s when it was being raped the the tory government. And no, rape is not a strong word if anything its not a strong enough word. Scotland has by and large become a group of second class citizens. No voice, no options, no representation. The average life span in scotland is lower than that of england, yet rules made for england in regards to retirement age apply to scotland. That means that even although scots live shorter lives, the must work as long as those who live longer lives. This is the issues that america will face if it moves to a popular vote. Large areas of the population will be ignored due to population density. They will be grouped together by life style, by needs, by life expectancy. The list will go on. Those in large population centres will have better access to education, health services and policing. There is a lot the needs to change. Getting money out of politics would be an amazing start. No more gravy train. No more jobs waiting in the wings after a term of service where the politician served the interests of the company hiring him/her. Absolutely sick of imagine dragons being used for everything. Their music sucks, silly screaming tween emo garbage. Depends how it's done. I've not watched sense8 yet and properly never will now that it ends on a cliff hanger, but if LGBT characters are just there for the sake of having LGBT characters there then I would say that was pushing an agenda. If the characters have arcs and are involved in plots outside of their sexuality then I'd just call them characters. Even then if there is a love story plot, it still has to be more than LGBT for the sake of it. for example if the story was a romcom that happened to be about LGBT persons, that would fine. It's about the characters, and not who or what the characters are. If that makes sense? It always come down to one question, is the character a gay character or are they a character that happens to be gay. What is that characters defining attribute. Unless the story is about LGBT rights, or the character is an advocate for LGBT community in some way they should never be defined by their sexuality. no one should ever be defined by their sexuality because we are all more than what we have between our legs, or who we are attracted to. On the subject of black sails, flint is the perfect gay character because he's just a man who happens to gay, rather than a gay man. Hollywood might push its agenda of equality every awards show, but think about how gay man are portrayed in Hollywood. Almost nothing but effeminate attention seeking comic relief. It's no wonder people that have never had contact with the gay community think that they only come in that one flavour. An LGBT character that will actually bring acceptance is one that is more than their sexuality. Black sails is about a man so heart broken he wants to destroy an empire. The fact he's gay has nothing to do with it. And that's the way it should be. LGBT persons in real life are more than just a slogan, they have the same hopes and fears as everyone else and it's time art reflected that. It's time LGBT persons are shown to be people, not just some political foil to rattle when the cameras are on. You should, I'm certain kenny will do it justice. Ask scotland if thats a lie. The UK is made up of 4 countries. The largest population is england. No matter how Scotland, northern Ireland or Wales vote, england will decide. In the past 70 years, if you remove the vote of scotland it makes no difference to the outcome of the election. The last election was a fuck up, and the reason clinton lost. She sat on her arse and didnt go where she needed to go. Her "theyre not my people" attitude fucking stank. She ignored people and trump took the vote with out any trouble. Her arrogance lost her that election and to be honest, I dont see her being any better a pick than trump. You can list his faults all day, but her list is just as long. Just because its a different list doesnt make it better. Youre right about the EC, I miss spoke in that thats how its supposed to work. It is indeed outdated and needs replaced, but there needs to be a voice for each state. I havent listened to it, no. But I did read about it. He apparently considers david to a be replicant, not an android. And got a bit pissy about people assuming the opening scene is on earth. So much potential and its all just pissed away in favour of "the mad scientist did it" trope. It wasnt. As for my "filth", If you dont like it, dont fucking read it. New blood is desperately needed. Both sides of the divide are so corrupt its not even funny anymore. Get money out of politics and set term limits for every seat. No more of this job for life shit for old gits who do nothing. Stop that shit. The time to complain about the electoral college was before trump won, and the many years before that. You wanna change the system, that fine. But youre going to have to realise that america is a big place and different people need/want different things. The EC as it stands means that every state has an equal vote. If you move to a single vote system the candidates will stop campaigning in the smaller states. Youll end up with a whole section of your populous thats ignored because there just isnt enough of them to matter. And thats how civil wars start.