Indianna's Replies

The Roma did not steal the violin. It was centuries after that it resurfaced. And to answer your ? They have someone from vice , another female cop. She's pretty good. But i need a new hot guy to replace jon Seda! I really like her she's a smart character but i dislike the plain one with the scratchy voice. I also loved adam's replacement kenny he was so cute. Now there are no cute guys left since antonio left:( Unfortunately, I think Casey will die. He probably wants to leave the show. My prediction is they will save mouch but he will retire after recuperating in the hospital. I am happy it wasn't gorgeous severide or stella!they are SO HOT TOGETHER! I really like Casey and i heard he and dawson don't get along in real life. There is nothing special about dawson, she isn't particularly attractive or intelligent or witty as Stella is so i wish she was leaving instead of Casey he's such a great actor as he was on house. He deserves to work with someone he is actually attracted to. There is ZERO chemistry with dawson it's funny. Lol !that's why they needed to separate this couple. As for gorgeous taylor kinney and The beautiful tall intelligent and witty Stella-i am sure things will be smoking in september.dawson is a control freak andthe onlymember of the cast i and most people here in my corner of the woods, in Europe dislike. I was cryi g for Cruz he felt so bad. I love all of the guys so much, and stella and the blonde girl. Hi can someone ELSE reply other than misogynistman? Right. Change your name to "thegreatprojector " because that is what you do best; Not very self-aware movieman. So you only like films where women are mistreated and, in the case of A Clockwork Orange, raped. Sick! Now i see why on your profile you only speak with men. Actually, hard candy is not a sadistic film. Unless you think that a filthy pedophile should not be punished. Careful movie"man", your true colors are showing. And don't watch it ;I couldn't care less what you do. I don't like sadistic films. FYI I believe you need to look up the definition for sadistic as you are confused. Misery was not sadistic it was about a crazed fan . A Clockwork Orange IS however a "sadist's delight". Ciao. You are too judgemental for my tastes. I find it odd you like A Clockwork Orange and other violent films-now THATV is the correct usage of "odd". :D Enjoy "he loves me ;he loves me not! Ciao! No not really. Ask anyone Hard Candy and Misery are cult classics. A lot of women love to see men tortured. It is not odd judgemental movieman, it is normal in a man's world;) and wicked fun! No, I wasn't. I enjoyed "Misery" and i watch "Hard Candy" probably once a month. I REALLY DO enjoy it. Oh well. 😊 Movieman, Promise me you will watch audrey tautou in "he loves me ;he loves me not". She is so pretty and sweet like me. Go now and watch it i will await your response:) you will LOVE her. Lol! I promise you, you will love he loves me he loves me not:) I don't know i just love it when men are tortured:P I liked Hard Candy but it may be too much for some i actually wished she castrated him. I liked Shawshank Redemption a lot. I hated A Clockwork Orange because I found it to be misogynistic. Casablanca was awesome. And Citizen Kane, compelling. Goodfellas was too violent for me to watch i still hear the awful sound of the trunk scene. Horrible! I will need to see if I want to see North by Northwest and Duck Soup i haven't seen them. I also loved Indochine. I need to see Bridge over the River Kwai. And Fargo was hilarious! I loved the absurdity of that film. Oh yes, i also loved misery. I thought James'Caan's reactions were as hilarious as the bizarre sweetness of "Annie". Oh and don't miss "Hard Candy" it is awesome and in English. I promise you, if you're a guy, you won't forget it:D If you want to see a really suspenseful and absurd film my favorite is "he loves me he loves me not" It's french absurdist at its greatest in my opinion and audrey tautou is great in it. Yes. I am fluent in Spanish and French. But i remember my favorite danish films to the finest detail and only know a handful of words in Danish. What films do you like? I am always looking for new good films and thanks so much for answering! :) i am new to this site. <3 Tatiana I'd love to hear from some people who appreciate fine cinema.