TheGutterMonkey's Posts

Not confronting our problems I believe I preferred Day One (1989) Cool ideas, amateurish realization of them Why is everyone so convinced of his guilt? Let me get this straight... Who do you think is morally worse? Heisenberg or Saul? Preaching about social justice worked in the 60s... not today I found this to be surprisingly good... except for the last 14 minutes I'm kinda disappointed at how silly the show has become So... no mention of the three days of rape, murder, and pillaging then? Will an atheist enjoy this series? Is this ever coming out? Is this a modern take on the old series or a continuation of it? The two main characters are named Mario and Luigi... Was Lucy REALLY the cold-as-ice brains behind the show? Dammit. I really wanted to like this... Started out gritty and realistic. Now it's a quirky sitcom about serial killers? Why does this series receive so much praise? So happy they put so much focus on race in this movie "All the other customers seemed to have left hours ago"