MEMOREX's Replies

“It is not the truth that people cannot handle. It is the consequences that stem from that truth.” ― J.K. Miller II “The existence of broccoli does not in any way affect the taste of chocolate".” ― John Green “In books and movies, all the loose ends are tired, things are resolved, mysteries are solved, they catch the killer, the boy gets the girl, a sick baby is miraculously healed. In reality it doesn't always work that way. The killer gets away, the girl is in love with another boy, things just get buried under new dramas and don't get resolved. Life is far more complicated than the life depicted in a book or a movie.” ― Cindy Vine “The existence of broccoli does not in any way affect the taste of chocolate.” ― John Green “Socrates insisted that there's a strong connection between your philosophy (how you interpret the world, what you think is important in life) and your mental and physical health. Different beliefs lead to different emotional states...” ― Jules Evans “Reason is the inextinguishable impulse to philosophize with whose destruction reason itself is destroyed.” ― Karl Jaspers “without the act of imagination humanity would have perished long back” ― Thiruman Archunan “A person's Acts of #Kindness far outlives their lifespan,for they leave behind a true, meaningful legacy.” ― Michael Levy “Anyone who says "Trust me" is the last motherfucker you should ever trust.” ― R.D. Ronald “We spend so long trying to be what other people want, that when we look in the mirror, we see a stranger.” ― Anthony T. Hincks “Live how you live, feel how you feel and fuck all the phonies in your way.” ― Christopher Krovatin “On the canvas of life, Every sweep of the brush matters, Counts for something…” ― Scott Hastie “And if ever you need encouragement, remember at least two sober facts which nobody can rationally deny: that you are a new and unique living force in nature, and that you can, by taking thought and pursuing it, become more and more intensely alive.” ― John Steeksma “Man to woman; man to man in letter words will stand the philosophy of coming in along by the bay of hay made so sublime be that it outlasts the coming time.” ― Richard Mc Sweeney “Life is like Alice's White Rabbit. He runs away and does not grab anything, but this is not important: what matters is to keep on pursuing him.” ― Gabriele Corno “The Art of Living Is in the Joy of Giving With Love in your Heart” ― arthurite “L'amore è una faccenda intima strana e piena di contraddizioni, visto che non di rado amiamo qualcuno solo perchè amiamo noi stessi, per egoismo, avidità, desiderio fisico, brama di dominare l'oggetto d'amore e asservirlo; o al contrario, per desiderio di asservirci e essere dominati dal nostro amante, e in fondo l'amore assomiglia all'odio e gli è più prossimo di quanto non si pensi normalmente.” ― Amos Oz “If you measure your life by what you own, the cavern of your heart will never be filled.” ― James D. Maxon “There can be no law of nature, no science, No aberrant infliction of human will That unchained the soul cannot conquer, Simply sweep away, should it chose to.” ― Scott Hastie “Philosophy defines our world. I see my life in terms of great words.” ― Lailah Gifty Akita