Rekastor's Replies

Heston was 78 years old man at that time so i think he did ok. Maybe Harrison played first mute generation of people.. :) They did have a plan for more sequels if this movie wouldn't flop. Anyhow your observation about these 2 is really funny. :) i never connected these 2 dots :) You're right of course. Both of these ladies were lucky to have right husbands at that time to get these roles in these movies.. :) But Linda Harrison also have another role in ''Planet of the Apes'' .. :) - Planet of the Apes (2001) Woman in Cart That's right she was in Tim Burtun's ''Planet of the Apes'' as well, as Woman in Cart. same as Charlton Heston as Zaius. Linda and Charlton reunited in 2001 version ''Planet of the Apes''.. isn't that something? Yes, you're correct Lou Wagner was also in ''Conquest of the Planet of the Apes'' as Busboy.. He played different role in ''Conquest..'' which is also great. Fun fact: Natalie Trundy played in almost all ''Planet of the apes'' movies. Only in the first movie ''Planet of the apes - 1968'' Natalie Trundy didn't appeared, after that she was in all of them. She played different but visible roles in all of them. Sadly she passed away 2 years ago in 2019. - Battle for the Planet of the Apes (Lisa) 1973 - Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (Lisa) 1972 - Escape from the Planet of the Apes (Dr. Stephanie Branton) 1971 - Beneath the Planet of the Apes (Albina) 1970 It's not just Linda Harrison.. Lou Wagner who played Lucius is still alive. They used archive footage of him in ''Beneath the Planet of the Apes'' from original movie ''Planet of the apes'' but still, he was in that movie. I was happy to find him still alive. :-) All others from main cast and all who played visible roles in that movie are gone. Few people (around 3 that i find, hope there are more) are also alive who played minor roles in the movie like gorillas and some stuntmen but that's it.