MovieChat Forums > Sybil > Replies

Sybil's Replies

Thank you so much for this post, I've been feeling the same way since I hard how fashionable is to use the n word among black people. I never justify it at all! It saddened me the way people just trough it around after all the battles their ancestor went trough not to hear this word never again. I feel the young generation and some of the old one should have a deep history lesson, not that they aren't aware of black American and carrebian history, I mean in a deeper sociological way. I agree, there are defietly reference to the death of he's wife, Tommy feels guilty for missing the signal and as you state her emotional pain is somehow like the physical pain Jane Doe is still suffering. Also there is a obvious reference between the song that she keep using to taunt them and the nickname he used for he's wife. However I'm unsure if he's sacrificing himself had anything to do with the guilt for he's wife, i saw it more like the last atempt of a disperate man to save he's son. I personally would have use another route to help my son then a silent pact with a wich. I believe she was buried there for a long time, therefore the body was un disturbed. When the owners of the house start doing renovation they discovered the body and bring it to the service, I do not believe they necessary cut the body or hurt her in anyway they just disturbed her slumber. We have proof of that as even before they start their exam on her, we hear the radio changing music and the news of a coming storm, at that point they didn't physically touch her body. Also at the ends of the movie just before the credit we see her interacting with the radio on the van that is transporting her body, the van driver hasn't touch her. My take is the body has been travelling all over the country since the seventeen century, whoever dealt with her previously had knowledge of her powers therefore they tried to burry her, maybe not deep enough as they should have done. The owners of the house doing renovation stumble upon the body and before they could call the police they succumbed to whatever death she decided to inflict. That's where the police found her. At the end of the movie she's stavveoing again to a different county where history is going to repeat herself until the circle is going to be stopped. The movie could have been way worse in my opinion, racially speaking, they clearly state that "black is on fashion" that's why they have been targeting black people, if I decided to have my brain transplanted in to a black body would mean I'm not racist as I do not consider my race superior. It would have been a lot worse if Rose's family and community were so racist that with the help of brainwashing/hypnosis/surgery would get the black comunity back in to slavery. That would b an heavy subject. I thought it was going to a completely different route and be a racist thing, with the the white dominance race in to place. I thought that when Rose's grand father was defeat by a black athlet they kind wanted a revenge try to get black people back in to slavery by brainwashing/hypnotised/lobotomies them. I didn't thought for a minute about brain transplant scenario, who would have thought that Georgina was the grandmother... I guess that would have been too much controversy for such a heavy subject. I'm a white woman married to a non white person, I liked the movie. I specially like the main carachter acting. The worst part for me was the party, as I relived some of the conversation when, back then, I introduced my boyfriend (now husband) for the first time. No one knew quiet how to act, some people just didn't know what to say trying to avoiding making mistakes, some of them made reference of the longitude of my boyfriend place of birth according with the shade of he's skin, others even worse in my opinion, said "I met a person of your race, he was a nice person" at that point we looked at each other and smiled, we knew they tried or where trying to be normal lol. He never got offended, not even once. We been married for long time now, all my family and friend are so relaxed now that looking back it seems strange. Did I think the movie was anti-white? No not at all. Racism is happening right now, whenever people change their own behaviour based on colour of the skin or etchic background or different religion. There is no denying some people will feel weary dealing with different people. Why would people get offended by something that is actually true and undeniable?! Thank you so much for this post, I've been feeling the same way since I hard how fashionable is to use the n word among black people. I never justify it at all! It saddened me the way people just trough it around after all the battles their ancestor went trough not to hear this word never again. I feel the young generation and some of the old one should have a deep history lesson, not that they aren't aware of black American and carrebian history, I mean in a deeper sociological way. Yes I do, he didn't seem to be bothered so much, he just showed up on the set and did a dissent job but without any particular effort. I agree "You are driving me crazy" I agree with you, it would be possible in a very lower scale and not such a big business, ultimately human nature (even a very sick one) have to talk and brag about what they did, that's all part of the fun reliving the moment by talking about it. The prostitute involved will eventually talk due to drug or remorse or the system will crumble because people are greedy and want more money. Also advertising for such a thing must be pretty hard. So in my opinion is not a business that could be done in such a big scale. Alternatively there are mafia, gangster and sicarios in general that you could pay to kidnap someone and you can kill it yourself from the comfort of your own town, would be more economical and secretly then a big organisation as the people involved are considerably less. On a big scale like the movie no, but decades a go when I was a child i remember a quick news on the lunch time national news that the police found some eveidence of snuff movie involving gypsy children in Italy. Apparently Some very disadvantage family were offered good education for their children and some money as a token for the family to help them out turn out that the children were moved to Eastern Europe somewhere, then they discovered tapes that the children were tortured and killed on camera and the tapes were commissioned by some business men etc. The news was very brief and I wouldn't have remember as I was young but what o remember was my mother utterly shocked face, I remember her and my father talking about that for few days. No other news ever followed we never heard about again no even in the newspaper or any other Chanel. It was like it wasn't important. There is sick twisted people all over the world so Sorrible things happens all the time. It's confusing at times, if you like gore is definitely worth it. I found it a little bit far fetched in terms of human psychology, there are many contradictions within the action and behaviour of the woman. Also there are so many pothole that I wouldn't know where to begin.