shydammyzuko's Replies

because get out had'nt came out yet! brolin's the f'in man! They replaced half the dam cast!it was still enjoyable at least! i just saw it for the first time! bought the bluray! gonna get the first one next! haven't seen it in forever. I just watched it now! it wasnt as good as the first because so many actors got replaced and thats what messes up the movies when a different actor plays the part another person played in the original!i thought it was decent and I love josh brolin aka bad ass of the f* in weekend! rosario dawson was hot as f-ck! i know phenomenon is on dvd! i own it! abc made a sequel tv movie called phenomenon too! it was supposed to be a pilot for a tv series based on the movie! HE IS THE LAAAAAAW!! BEHAVE YOURSELVES!!!! MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!I LOVED HER ROLE IN BAD SANTA 2!SHE WAS SO SEXY! Happy new year to you because you posted this over a year ago!jim and cameron were supposed to be in fun with dick and jane but i guess plans changed!would had been cool to see them together in that! NOPE~Not nominated for nothing smh! i just saw it.Good movie and its a shame movies like this always come out at the wrong time! it came out over the summer! it should of came out now! I KNOW IM SUPER LATE BECAUSE ITS AN OLD POST BUT HELL YES MONAGHAN LOOKED GORGEOUS IN THIS MOVIE!JUST FINISHED WATCHING IT! IRON MAN AND BATMAN IN THE SAME MOVIE! I just saw it today and i agree with you.Loved this one.Funny to see beast singing though lol! reminded me of Grease! nice movie though! BOTH~Any movie where we see those luscious lips of ruby rose is worth it! So enjoyable until amber rose scene at the table with her sisters! cant stand her so i took it off! props to moeshas little brother! he had me laughing with his character I said smh! it means smacking my head.Its an expression lol! HE SHOULD BE DEAD HES GOT MORE URINE THEN BLOOD! LMAO! TO ME ITS WHEN THE DOCTOR IS ON TV AND HE SAYS ''HE SHOULD BE DEAD HES GOT MORE URINE THAN BLOOD! I WAS DYING LMAO! SHUT THE FUCK UP...GODDAMIIIT! LOVE THAT SCENE! NO I LOVE EDDIE ALSO!IT WAS A CLASSIC TO ME! A FAKE B.I.G.?WHY?A BAD SIGN RIGHT THERE ALREADY SMDH MAN!GRAVY COULDNT DO THE WORK FOR B.I.G. AGAIN?