MovieChat Forums > komrad > Replies

komrad's Replies

Still Alive :D Thor: Dark World was dark, but boy was it so boring and dimensionless, just like the villain. I fucking loved every BRB incarnation in the animated movies. Such a badass. I hope so. I'm sorry but X-files reboot was terrible, David and Gillian looked like they came to grab their paychecks and leave. Plus Chris Carter is a hack writer and a shit director. He was only ever good in his Producer role. He tried to do it all by himself and became a clone of George Lucas. Я бы вдул ))) the point was the shows usual character-send-off circlejerk before she dies. Executed terribly... Every time I saw Sasha's masturbating face on screen, I cringed so hard my cheekbones broke. Sasha's stupid face and her stupid flashbacks killed the pacing and by the time her walker self was out of the coffin I didn't give a fuck about what happens next. And I mean proper Flashbacks and not stupid Epilepsy-causing white flashes on the screen during the transtion to a flashback, that's stupid. Also, repeating a flashback 20 billion times. What the Actual FUCK what that plane crash scene? Clearly, not enough Kunlun, and when there was Kunlun it looked faker than Birdemic ffs. Where are the monasteries? where's the green? Fucken retarded. Also, preach brother! "bearly" hehehe. The correct word you were looking for is "Gay" ))) YW. I think if they went full cheese with the fight scenes like in them old 70s - 80s Chinese Kung-Fu movies that could have worked for me :D *Iron Fist and Ninjas rooftop fights *Lots of wire-work and showcase the Flying Dragon and Wall-running etc. *They could even have the dubbed voices out of sync with the actors mouth movements :D *Lots of backflips scenes like in Mortal Kombat :D *Iron Fist bringing down a building by punching the support beams :D My thoughts exactly! And in a show called Iron Fist about the best martial arts fighter in the whole frigging Marvel Universe. You'd think that Marvel Netflix shows would get better with more experience, but no!! They had to keep fiddling and switching the creative teams behind the shows. Some of them are absolute hacks and I blame the showrunners for letting them ruin the TV universe. If only they kept Daredevil's team for all the shows, we'd have a better paced, better written and better executed Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist. What we are left with sadly: *Superb villain in JJ *Superb music in LC *Anything but the martial arts in IF. :( Adam Sandler. That stuff is definitely somewhere in the future tho, probably about season 3-4, so by the time it rolls out next year you might not even remember :D Also, she has super speed, ma-a-a-an! She could super stab him and drive that claw so deep it'd be over. You'd think in a series about superfast heroes they'd use their speed more and ingenious ways. Venus is gonna become one giant protomolecule planet that is both alive and self-aware. Also, keeps real-time connection to all the protomolecule monsters "yet unrevealed Planet". There are more of them created atm ))) Secret Protogen research facility, a couple of Protomolecule monsters, and Chinese guy's daughter. LOL The train vibrating shouldn't have had any contact with tracks or the ground. It actually should have phased right underground and kept falling until Barry stopped, but at that point everyone would get fused with earth on a molecular level and died horrible suffocating death :D. Actually, that rule should apply every time he tries to phase while running thru anything. His feet can't simultaneously phase thru the walls/cars/etc and still stay on w/e level he's running.