Fishgot2Swim's Replies

The White House doesn't run on IOUs. There are certain expenses that the occupant of the WH has to pay out of pocket. I hope that this BLOTUS pays those bills on time & in full. If he doesn't, then OTHER people suffer. As another rich NY hotelier once said "paying bills & paying taxes are for the little people" right before she was sent to jail. Remember the tRump promises. Remember the Paul Ryan promises! They were going to repeal the ACA & deliver something BETTER, CHEAPER, COVERING MORE PEOPLE & we're not going to believe how much winning we're going to get. I say "Let's hold them to that exact standard & no other." Also? Let's #FollowTheMoney. Let's remember the tRump call about "Lock her Up!" because of "Pay2Play!" Let's see their tax returns to see if they're profiting from Health Care conglomerates, insurance companies, etc. Sorta like Clarence the cross eyed jurist on SCOTUS who benefits from the lobbying his nervous wife does for the Insurance companies. Re'CUSE! We don't appreciate guest hosts who can't read the teleprompter. We don't appreciate guests who won't listen to their hosts or those who are oblivious to the group dynamic. We expect competent people. We expect them to tell a story or relate to current events on a personal level somehow. Ben Carson has a story to tell & he should be able to relate to certain struggles in a universal way - but he can't! Either his religion or his political slant gets in the way to negate any and all interest I have with his personal story. He's incompetent. As are a lot of the tRumpsters.