MovieChat Forums > The View (1997) Discussion > Our health insurance premiums are going ...

Our health insurance premiums are going down!!!

Last night I decided to tune into Tucker Carlson (who reminds me so much of Alfred E Neuman of "MAD Magazine") and he had some GOP senator on, talking about the new health care proposal introduced last night. Of course, being a fellow Republican, Tucker went easy on him (toned down his rabid pit bull persona) and played nice with him - sharing a laugh, phrasing his questions for an easy response,etc. The only thing he didn't do was bring out the beer and pretzels for him.

Back to the conversation -

The senator who is working on this bill made it crystal clear (so don't ever forget):

EVERYONE'S HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS WILL GO DOWN! Not up, like (allegedly) with Obamacare, but down. Mr. Tucker questioned him again on it, later in the discussion - and he was assured the premiums will go DOWN for everyone. Tucker smiled at that one, even though the good senator had no idea how they will go down...they're working on it.

He couldn't answer HOW they will go down, because they're only in 'bucket one'....they have three 'buckets' to go through before their 'final proposal', to they will need time. (Remember when the Dems said basically the same thing about Obamacare - that they would have to fine-tune it, and the GOP tortured them for not getting it right the first time?)

He made it clear that no one would be punished for not having health insurance, but those who do have health insurance will get a big tax credit to pay for their health insurance. Sure - I'd like to see that.

And most important, no one will be discriminated against with health insurance - everyone will be covered, whether they have an existing illness or not. (Sure). He's not sure how, since they are still on 'Bucket 1'.

It took seven years for them to destroy Obamacare, and come up with this jigsaw puzzle. Go figure.


I don't believe him at all. Let's see what really happens.


Remember the tRump promises. Remember the Paul Ryan promises!

They were going to repeal the ACA & deliver something BETTER, CHEAPER, COVERING MORE PEOPLE & we're not going to believe how much winning we're going to get.

I say "Let's hold them to that exact standard & no other."

Also? Let's #FollowTheMoney. Let's remember the tRump call about "Lock her Up!" because of "Pay2Play!" Let's see their tax returns to see if they're profiting from Health Care conglomerates, insurance companies, etc. Sorta like Clarence the cross eyed jurist on SCOTUS who benefits from the lobbying his nervous wife does for the Insurance companies. Re'CUSE!


"Clarence the Cross-eyed Jurist" - LOL!

I feel this administration keeps 'pushing the envelope' every day, and it hasn't fallen off the table yet.


I miss the "Like" button from the other site. (not FB)


YES, we need a like button!!


My God, no one seems to like the 'new plan', except his lap-dogs. Those Republicans who still have a conscience, medical professionals, insurance execs, patients, etc. - no one likes the new changes. They had 7 years to come up with a 'better plan' and they try to shove this down everyone's throats?
