MovieChat Forums > ribtin > Replies

ribtin's Replies

This roreyking person is just a troll. Don't waste your time and energy on him. obvious trolling is obvious You're the one who wanted to know ;) The country of Europe? Hehe, nice trolling =) You are so very, very wrong, on all accounts. Most comics would never even think about stealing a joke, as they fully understand just how detrimental it is to their reputation and career. It completley ruined people like Carlos Mencia, who's ticket sales dropped 90% after he was exposed. And legends like Dave Attell is famous for calling up several other comics, just to double- and triple-check that nobody else has done a picece similar to a new joke he's just written. Amy Schumer on the other hand (whom BTW has stolen many a joke from Dave Attell) always choses to play the victim, and claiming pepole only hate her "because I'm a woman" when she's continued to be caught stealing jokes, time after time after time. Which only makes her out to be even more of a disgusting human being. This is part of it: The "elves" are actually "Nisser" which are rooted in Norwegian folklore and have no english equivalent. They are simply translated into "elves" as there's no other english word for them. No, it's not. The consequences in terms of the aftermath in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were very important. However the consequences in terms of Oppenheimer having some boring beurocratic license retracted is utterly insignificant. Hell no! It's a woke-pandering nightmare. Stay away. Very mediocre movie though... You're joking, right? Please say you're joking! uhm... yes? We've already seen each other naked, so why the hell would you worry about getting dressed? Americans have such a bizarre fear of nudity. Blah, blah, blah. You lost. Lick your wounds and move on. What are you on about now? Changing your story? You wrote: "None of the actors like it. None. They are forced." I proved you wrong. Man up and admit your mistake. <blockquote>None of the actors like it. None. They are forced.</blockquote> This is just ludicrous, and easily proven to be 100% wrong. Here's Keira Knightley who says she "finds sex scenes easy and is happy to take her clothes off if the role needs it": Jennifer Lawrence "Didn’t Have a Second Thought" About Going Topless in Her New Movie: Miley Cyrus: "I don't really stress too much about being out there. There's nothing left to catch me doing. You want to hack my e-mail so you can find my nude pictures? I'll just fucking put them up." Shailene Woodley: ''I'm totally comfortable with nudity. I'm not sure it empowers me as an actress or anything, but if I'm going to do a movie with sex scenes, then I'm going to be naked, because I don't know about you, but I don't have sex with bras and panties on.'' Cameron Diaz: "I'm not opposed to doing nudity, as long as it's part of the story. I'll do whatever has to get done if it's the right thing." ..... And that was just 5 quick examples. I could easily find 10000 more, but I think the point has been made. But to say it clearly: Just because YOU have a problem with nudity, does not mean that everybody else does. You really didn't understand my point did you? She was naked. It was not a big deal, until you made it a big deal. Hence, the problem is not with her, but with you. I feel bad for people who think it's somehow "wrong" to be naked. When a couple sleeps together, they are very often naked. We all do it and it's completely normal. Yet, in American movies, when there's a scene where a woman and man wakes up next to each other, 99 times out of 100 they are waking up in their underwear. Even in sex scenes, American films will actually have the woman wearing a bra! In real life, people walk around naked all the time. We all have a body, and it's not always clothed. Yet Hollywood insists on ruining the immersion by constantly showing people who are wearing clothes when it would be logical for their character to be naked. Now THAT is the true meaning of "gratuitous". No, that's definitely not it. Thanks for the suggestion though =) Your ignorance is quite impressive.