Colorado_Kid's Replies

The Joads where pulling themselves up by the bootstraps and not waiting for a handout. The Killing of Sister George (1968) Bloomington (2010) A Perfect Ending (2012) Carol (2015) Allure (2018) Baby Love (1969) Ashley (2013) A Girl Called Jules (1970) The Pirate (1984) My Mother Likes Women (2002) Bandaged (2009) Fire (1997) Cale (1987) Olivia (1951) Twice a Woman (1979) Sand Dollars (2014) One thing to remember is that a tunnel had already been discovered and they were rushing to get the one tunnel dug. I remember reading about an interview were a German guard at Stalag Luft 3 said that they suspected the prisoners were digging a tunnel but didn't exactly know where. I think the the prisoners realized the window of opportunity to escape was closing and they had to make a move. If you remember what Bartlett said what goal was of the prison escape. It wasn't to get everyone out but to cause such a disturbance that the Germans would have to pull soldiers from the frontlines and to try and recapture them. I thought Ann was mind-blowingly beautiful in every movie. The most ridiculous part of this episode was Dale's doctor learning to impersonate the judges voice perfectly. Why is it that people who complain about other people being thin skinned are usually thin skinned themselves. Valerie open mouth kisses her mother, has sex with another woman, is nearly raped three different times once by a priest another time by a very old vampire and also by a older female relative. She was also nearly burned at the stake. No teen goes through that much in a few days so I think it was all a dream. I was hoping she would have a one night stand with Commander Truffault. ABP is the most fake show show of all with the exception of Amish Mafia and Clash of the Ozarks. I am an American and I love it. If it was staged then why did they cut out the segment in the U.S. You know the movie is bad when the character played by an actor strung out on LSD play is the best part of the movie. Dwayne is clearly juicing. Seriously doubt Tori is Barnes or Dutch in fact Dutch being her father doesn't even make sense. I know this is an old thread but reading about Bill Owen's funeral reminded me of a story I heard about Roberto Clemente's funeral. After Clemente's plane crash they held his funeral in Puerto Rico and a sportscaster (can't remember his name) was giving his eulogy and as he was looking across the chapel and got a quick glimpse of a middle aged man who looked familiar. At the end of the service the sportscaster looked to the rear of the building and saw that the middle aged man was Stan Musial. Stan wanted to honor Clemente but knew announcing he would be there would bring attention off of Clemente so instead showed up quietly. Don't know the whole story between Bryan Wilde and Bill Owens but there is a way to do things respectfully. You got that right. Daniel would have a fight on his hands with Robby, Tori, and Hawk and would probably lose to Miguel. She's pretty but there are other women on show who are hotter. I see your point but if you remember when Daniel first meet Silver he was apologising for what Kreese had done and ended up getting burned for it. I would like to see Bobby but seeing how Daniel can hold a grudge longer than anyone in television history and don't see them teaming up. Of all the things the Cobra Kai did to Daniel what Bobby did was the worst.