LordRaymond's Replies

It was quite abrupt but at least we had some closing. The show really changed after Francis' death. The movie looked like a high budget documentary film on PBS. This really is a very average movie at best. Nolan went all out on trying to do this movie practically. Visually its not impressive and lack sense of scale. It would not get the praise it does if not for Nolan directing this. Definitely agree. Kenneth is a step above most directors in making a quality film with both style and substance. The blaze containers won't blow up unless you use fire arrows. Wow. Thanks for sharing. I saw 3. Just Lalaland and hacksaw ridge. Lol indeed. It was a cool time travel twist. Maybe the alien's could only communicate physically? Oh wow I can't believe this is how it ends for Connie's character. Only Julliete and Avery's plotline seem to be going strong. Scarlet and Will's plotline turned into a trainwreck. I don't see how this could last another season. The DC fight is detailed in the movie novelization. It sucks that they completely skipped it for the movie. Hello