Bubbathegut's Replies

Yeah, also how can you be accused of rape in the porn industry? Too many Peachtree Streets. Stay strong. We are rooting for you! No such thing as a ‘Palestinian’. They are the Arab squatters of the Gaza Strip. All guilty of atrocities or complicit in same. These protests were ŵell-planned & well-funded by the usual left sources, notice the professionally printed signs, t-shirts, banners, & the tents they bought them. Of those arrested at places, over 1/2 have not been students. Biden wants to bring more Gaza refugees into America. Watch how Palestinians celebrated after 9/11 attack. https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1787132816867643525 Not too surprised. Joe did say he didn't want his kids in the racial jungle and liked it when blacks rubbed his hairy legs. The charge is that the democrats are trying to steal another election. Only real Presidents are allowed to be President. I think they are just trying to create a distraction from whats really going on. Which is the hostile takeover of America by the democrat's. Amazing President. I am sure there were democrat election deniers in the 1700 and 1800's. Elections are only stolen when democrats lose. Good point, they have had plenty of time to come up with a plan to rig the 2024 election. Google is your friend. President Joe Biden has revived a debunked tale about his past – his fictional claim that he used to drive an 18-wheeler truck. Biden has repeatedly embellished or invented biographical tidbits. In 2021, he claimed during a tour of a Mack Trucks facility: “I used to drive an 18-wheeler, man,” then added, “I got to.” At a separate 2021 event, he told college students studying truck technology, “I used to drive a tractor-trailer,” adding, “I only did it for part of a summer, but I got my license anyway.” Biden’s claims were fact-checked at the time as false. But on Tuesday, during a campaign event in Florida, Biden said it again. Its called TDS and there is no cure. They are not allowed to respond to this. But yes we do need Trump back as soon as possible. And you are the sock of Keeliar, you both say the same things everyday. Nancy and Hillary said the election was stolen. Do you believe them? Then they must be election deniers. Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two 2025