brian__007's Replies

I agree. I came on here quite a bit right when it started, but stopped coming a lot once I realized that most of my other fellow imdb posters weren't here. I think the main problem is just lack of awareness. When the imdb boards a lot of people were talking about other replacement sites (not nearly as good as this one), but this site just didn't catch on. But that said, I think it potentially will in time. Remember, it's only been a few months since the closing of Imdb boards, so just give it time. Once word catches on, things can change very quickly. I agree in general. But in retrospect, I don't know how they would have pulled off any finale that would make fans happy. If they made just a "normal episode" it would have been even more of a letdown. Since it was the last episode, they had to be very ambitious. Or if they did something more like having Jerry and Elaine getting married, or having a main character killed, or something ridiculous like that, it would have just been lame, forced, and unrealistic. I realize that most fans didn't ultimately like the finale, but I do give Seinfeld writers at least a bit of credit for working the main concept of "doing nothing" into it while also bringing back some of the old storylines and characters. This might be an obvious answer, but who the hell has a car nowadays where you have to manually turn on/off the lights? I haven't had a car like that since the early 2000s. Unless you're driving something like an 87 Fierro, everything is automatic today. I think Seinfeld is kind of a weird case, though. I agree that the last season or two kind of lost its steam. Yet I think the last episode gets too bad of a rap from fans; even though it wasn't perfect, was fairly clever how they tried to have the show's concept/theme--doing nothing, in "a show about nothing"--and tried to bring back many memorable characters. It wasn't THAT bad. But the thing to note about Seinfeld is that the show started off really bad, in my opinion, then became a masterpiece, then dropped off a bit. The last couple of seasons were not terrible and probably better than most shows at the time; they just weren't as memorable as those middle seasons. Actually, one of the reasons IMDB handled it so poorly and quickly is financial related. Advertisers were soon discovering that IMDB was overinflated its user numbers and advertisers were pulling out. So IMDB's excuse that the boards were no longer providing a "positive experience" was just a lame excuse to get rid of them as fast as possible to avoid losing ad revenue. That's why they handled the whole situation so stupidly and swiftly. I hope this site stays up. It looks like basically the exact same thing as IMDB, so it's a perfect replacement! It's just a matter of time until it becomes more widely known, and IMDB will be a thing of the past.