Kewl_Kat's Replies

Your orange balloon is terrorizing the planet with his idiotic and spiteful fukkery and you are mad at me. You really are a fool. Go eat your crunch berries. You, my stupid Trumptard, are the embarrassing one. Trump is the king of an army of idiots. Saving a handful of coal jobs, which most analysts say isn't even sustainable due to the low cost of natural gas, just to appease his mentally challenged and hateful base is so effing stupid it's a joke. The future is not only in renewable energy the PRESENT is in renewables. That's where the jobs are! Dammit Trump is such an stupid baby. All of you eff-nuts who stayed home because you believed Hillary was a "beast" because Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly told you she was, YOU are to blame. So many dumbasses in the land. It's maddening! Hillary did get 3 million more votes, though. Well the skinheads have been known to punch people and stuff. They do that Nazi salute thing, too. That's pretty crazy. They torment people of color, burst into churches and kill them. Muslims, too. They yell at strangers and kill the people who try to come to their defense. Terrible folks, Trumpkins are. Obama wanted all people to pay in... derp. Now people will be uninsured and drain emergency room resources and the people who already pay for insurance will pay more for the people who don't have insurance. I know, logic is the enemy of the Trump supporter but I figured I'd point this out to ya anyhow. I proved it by not voting for Trump. You're welcome. They do say that stupid is the new sexy. You are right but calling people names is kind of a hobby of mine. It brings me pleasure. It's the one way I'm similar to Trump. At least I have a brain, bwbphile. I'm a member of the genius American community so in a way, you are right. You crowbarred all the right-wing buzzword cliches into your inane post. Congrats, dummy. Maybe next time try something original for a refreshing change. Hehe, yeah he's a secret genius. A secret, orange genius of all things stupid. So you don't remember "Lyin' Ted" "Low energy Jeb" "Crooked Hillary" or all the times Trump called people stupid. He quite literally insulted his way into office. Wow, you really are living in an alternate reality. Everything you just typed is right wing propaganda. You seem to believe anything you are fed. Are you a religious person? Just curious. I have religious friends who say the same stuff you do. They are programmed to believe in lies and superstition. It's a shame. Your brain can be used for such good but here you are, stuck in a brainwashed state. Nothing nonsensical about it. True, I call people names but my logic is sound. [quote]Well I AM sorry. Sorry that political disagreements have gotten so personal and ugly "Quality"?? There must be a new definition for quality. Lying piece of self serving, sociopathic garbage comes to mind! LOL So the country has three million more morons, so what?[/quote] Why did u type that quote at the top and then do exactly what you hate in the next quote? It makes you seem so crazy. So? Trump grabs pussy and insulted his way to the presidency. What is your point? I voted for the one quality candidate: Hillary Clinton. Remember her? She won by 3 million votes. It was a joke, dumb-dumb.