Corky666's Replies

Bingo! You must’ve lived in my house. Same exact memory. I think it was on WOR channel 9 Sunday 5pm movie and it was dreary out. Got dark out early in the mid winter. Spooked the shit out of me, couldn’t believe what I was watching. Had to be 9 10 years old. Oh the memories. Bingo! You must’ve lived in my house. Same exact memory. I think it was on WOR channel 9 Sunday 5pm movie and it was dreary out. Got dark out early in the mid winter. Spooked the shit out of me, couldn’t believe what I was watching. Had to be 9 10 years old. Oh the memories. No, sadly no. The one I’m talking about was more traditional animation, this one looks more claymation. The one I remember looked more people like but still alienish and they may have been green. Maybe antennae on their heads too I know the Jetsons but thanks anyway Gimme a break dude, ,do you read??? I said very early 70s and the characters didn’t speak 1 Resevoir Dogs 2 Pulp Fiction 3 Django 4 inglorious Bastards 5 Hateful Eight All his others suck Yes! That’s it thanks. That was it, saw it a couple of months ago and could not remember the name Thanks Thanks dude, that’s the one. Appreciate the help I don’t think that’s it. This one didn’t have a lot of blood and guts, it relied more on tension and story Hmmmm, no that’s not it. Nice try though What a MORON Argento is a hack. Romero wannabe at best. Never saw so much retardedness on one site You obviously do care or you wouldn’t have posted. Look, this is for Romero purists, why don’t you get lost Don’t care what you’re wondering. My opinion I don’t care if Romero didn’t like it, the extended version gave me a real sense of dread and the boredom the characters went through. Classic The extended cut is no doubt the best version of the film. Spending 400bucks for a vhs???seriously? Then you’re a MORON