
int (17)


Damn this was dark I really like Lorca Maybe I'm nit-picky but why do zombies die when they get stabbed through the chin? Alive or dead: one character you'd love to see return View all posts >


It's Brokeback Mountain with airplanes. Not that there's anything wrong with that! Cruise is a well known uphill gardener. He is cast. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2810287 Oh I really hope this movie does well so we get the whole story. I'm sure they'll get someone really good for the Emperor and Feyd. Oopsy poopsy! You literally stopped watching, so that means you just listened to the rest of the movie. Was it cool like a radio thing? [url]https://i.imgur.com/cdwJN0B.gifv[/url] It's like the One Ring it shrinks or expands depending on how big the holder is... Oo-er. When would win? Yeah I think this season so far, though only 2 episodes in, is feeling real good. Also, for you Missemd, I made a gif of Asmo: [url]http://interfusor.tumblr.com/image/166693896259[/url] Sorry to bump my own topic, thanks for replies BTW! Because I'm currently re-watching the show I only now remembered Jesse, the reality twisting half human half demon kid from "I Believe the Children Are Our Future." Now I know they almost never leave North America but I would love an episode in Australia where we meet him again. Oh my! Mine olde threade is stille alive! View all replies >