Kawada_Kira's Replies

I'll never understand people who go to the movie theater and play with their stupid phones. It's one thing if they themselves don't care about the movie and wasting their own money, but don't ruin it for everyone else too. What is it with people and their damn phones anyway. They can't put the things down even long enough to sit in a room that's specifically designed for doing nothing but looking at the movie screen, for a simple hour and a half to two hours. Drug addicts have more self-control. "the single inline thread will be the demise of this board." Demise? It's only just gotten started. It's a few days old. They're working on it. Currently watching Osaka Elegy (1936). Good movie. "Foundation", by Peter Ackroyd, a history of early medieval England. Fascinating book that helps fill one of the gaps in my historical knowledge. Another one I found terrifying was "The Changeling" from 1980. "I think it was a combination of money + trolls. A big public-facing company like Amazon doesn't necessarily want to be associated with hate speech, profanity, troll posts, etc." I dunno. Google is an even bigger public-facing company and they don't seem to care much about the far worse cesspool that is the Youtube comment sections. Seven Samurai. They fucked our asses We fart in their direction Stench of betrayal A website ruined Jeff Bezos ought to be stuffed Up his own poop chute Greedy corporate pigs A world community Vanishes in weeks I'm surprised it was so sudden for lots of people. For me, while it was fairly quick, it wasn't immediate. Some boards went down before others, some features went down before others. Even after the message came saying the boards officially shut down, I could still briefly get pages to load by refreshing them. I logged on in the last minutes of it. I at first went to look at the board of a film i'd just watched, and found there was no board for it. So I went to one of my regular boards and it was still there. I thought maybe the site was just being glitchy, as it had been increasingly since the announcement. I tried going to different parts of the site and found that most boards for TV shows and the like were gone but some of the specialty boards were still up. At this point it was clear that it was the end, even though it was only the 19th (IMDb hadn't been clear about what time zone their end date was in, the assholes). Meanwhile, almost every time I tried to load a page i'd get a "D'oh!" or other error message, but if I refreshed it would sometimes appear. I saw a lot of threads of people saying goodbye, though I was unable to post a thread of my own when I tried. I attempted to contact a friend to try to quickly work out a way we could stay in touch (I know I should have done this before, but i've been busy the last few days and barely online, and i'd thought I still had one more day), but the private messaging system went down just as I tried, so I was unable to. I tried going to some different boards where there had been active threads I wanted to see the last of, but it was fruitless. In the end I made one last attempt to post a goodbye thread of my own, but at that point the boards went down for good. I'm as far left as you can get and I don't really see what's so far-left about that article, though I do think the article is wrong in its overly negative assessment of the site. And I mean, it's true that there's a tremendous rise in racism going on right now in society as a whole, which is naturally reflected in what people post on the internet. There are far-right forces rising everywhere. It's been going on in Europe for quite some time and is now happening in the US. I think Trump is more a symptom of it than a cause, but he isn't exactly helping either, to say the least. Still though, I don't think that had anything to do with the boards getting shut down. I think it was greed, pure and simple. Amazon didn't care about the boards because they didn't bring in money, so they didn't want to spend the money on running them, regardless of what the users thought. There was a perceptible increase in racism and the like on imdb boards (especially on the politics board, though it had been heading that way for quite a long time already anyway), but I don't think it was substantial enough to ruin the site as a whole. There was still a great deal of quality discussion on the site, so long as people didn't stray too much into politics. The imdb board shutdown did feel like an apocalypse, lol. Boards getting nuked left and right, like towns disappearing from the Earth. You try to make one last post but you can't, like public services collapsing. You try to make contact with your friends one last time, even just to say goodbye, but you no longer can, like we all got separated as boards disappeared and the survivors fled to the wilderness. I actually had just made a new friend there (swell timing, right?) and tried to contact him today to find a way we could stay in touch, unaware that the boards were closing down a day early, but the messaging system shut down just as I was doing that and I was unable to reach him. Hopefully he'll find his way here with the rest of us refugees. The main page says the thread format is something they're planning to work on. So i'm sure it will improve soon. The site is still in its infancy thus far. Trolls could also abuse that downvote feature though. And people could abuse it on people who simply have unpopular opinions, like on Amazon. I don't think a downvote system is a good idea. Noroi, scared the hell out of me.