DeltaTripleS's Replies

You know that would have been a twist. Not sure if it would have been a great twist, but it would have been a twist for sure. I really didn't like the killer in this. He was so bold towards the end, so I was just really hoping for him to catch a couple of more bullets. Show had been in my Netflix queue forever. Saw that it was leaving this week and started watching it. I have enjoyed it for the most part. A few times the characters actions make me audibly yell at the screen. But, glad I've been able to binge it before it disappeared off Netflix. It's funny cause he ended up doing a show with Stella (Sarah Chalke) a few years later called Mad Love. Which I didn't hate, but thought Chalke and Biggs were overshadowed by the secondary characters in Judy Greer and Tyler Labine. I'm not completely certain. As I think it is a continuity error or an ambiguous Wesleyan. I think they technically went to the Wesleyan in CT, but in some episodes it is the Wesleyan in OH. If it is actually the one in CT, then Lily leaving NYC to go to school in CT, isn't a stretch as she could go back home regularly. Marshall going all the way to CT for school seems the bigger stretch. Now had he had a Basketball scholarship that would have made some sense. The OH Wesleyan makes the most sense for Ted, but the CT one also makes sense because of it having that "Ivy League" appeal, but not one of the actual Ivy League schools and fits pretentious Ted. While I would have never accepted any ending where they kill Tracey. I think they got stuck in a corner that they waited so long to introduce her that they probably felt they were going to get a backlash. Hell I thought once Season 5 ended that the show was most likely going to end with Ted meeting the mother, but them not showing her face. What I think surprised Carter and Craig is how well everyone took to Cristin Milioti and so when they went to their fallback of Ted ending up with Robin. They didn't expect people to be so enraged. But, as I stated I don't think I would have ever been happy with them killing Tracey. I would have been able to handle it slightly better if season 9 wasn't filled with so many junk/filler get to 200 episodes bullshit. Plus that sunrise episode always struck me as that was it, Robin and Ted are done. But, no it wasn't. I think if they would have split the season's into 4ths the death would have likely been better received albeit bittersweet. Part 1: Maybe 4 episodes telling the Barney/Robin wedding weekend with Ted meeting the mother. Part 2: 10 episodes covering the time span that sees Barney/Robin's split and the developing of Ted and Tracey's relationship to their marriage. Part 3: 6 episodes covering the married years of Ted/Tracey and their life with the group Part 4: The final four episodes could have covered the last few years and built into the ending they gave us. Again I wouldn't want to have seen her die, and Ted end back up with Robin I would have been able to tolerate it with a better story. Season 1: The Limo - This episode is one that I watch every New Years Eve or New Years day. So many NYE's in my 20's and early 30's come flooding back when I watch it. Season 2: Ted Mosby Architect Season 3: The Bracket - "I WAS there... trust me... it's fake baby! Season 4: 3 Days of Snow (really hard season for me to pick a favorite, with time becoming one of my favorite seasons of the show) Season 5: Jenkins over the years has jumped the spot from Slapsgiving 2 Season 6: Blitzgiving Season 7: Tailgate Season 8: Time Travelers Season 9: How Your Mother Met Me, but Rally has my favorite "the Mother" scene I love Best Burger in New York, but it is so hard to watch if I haven't already had a meal. Season 8 is one of my highest scored seasons on a per episode basis, and yet I really don't have a feel for the season in my memory. I tossed up Time Travelers. Tasneem and Cersei probably the only two characters in TV history that not a damn thing that happens to them will satisfy me LOL. For the record I have finished GoT. No not satisfied with the shows conclusion. Best Burger in New York is one of my favorites, but I can never watch it unless I've already had food. Because it makes me start craving a burger from one of my favorite spots in town. I have to say when I initially ranked my seasons for my discussion with my friend. I forgot how much I really had enjoyed Season 4. I had until that project assumed rightly that season 3 was my favorite, but I thought I liked season 2 more than I did. My composite score for season 8 surprised me as I didn't remember enjoying that season that much, but I scored most of those episodes 3 out 5 or higher. But, in terms of re-watch. I think I still watch 1-4 more than all the other seasons. combined. I always seem to catch season 5 the most naturally in syndication when I'm flipping channels at night or on my lunch break. I don't really watch 7-9 that often. And really with season 9, I just go to youtube and watch the Tracy clips. We only got her for one season, but I think I'm going to have a crush on Cristin Milioti forever. A few years back I actually was having this conversation with my best friend about our dispute over season 5. So it made me do a score ranking for each episode and then an average score for the season. This allowed me to determine my favorite seasons as follows: Season 3 Season 4 Season 1 Season 8 Season 2 Season 7 Season 5 Season 6 Season 9 In some cases these are my favorites of the season, but not necessarily the ones I scored the highest. Season 3 - Slapsgiving, The Bracket, How I Met Everyone Else, No Tomorrow, Miracles, and Sandcastles in the Sand Season 4 - 3 Days of Snow, The Possimpble, The Naked Man, As Fast as She Can, The Leap Season 1 - The Limo, The Pineapple Incident, Drumroll Please, The Pilot, Nothing Good After 2 A.M. Season 8 - Time Travelers, The PreNup, The Autumn of Break Ups, Bad Crazy, Something New Season 2 - Ted Mosby Architect, Slap Bet, Arrivederci Fiero, Atlantic City, Single Stamina Season 7 - Tailgate, Trilogy Time, Good Crazy, The Best Man, The Naked Truth Season 5 - Slapsgiving 2, Robin 101, The Playbook, Jenkins, Say Cheese Season 6 - Glitter, Blitzgiving, Last Words, Bad News, Oh Honey Season 9 - How Your Mother Met Me, Rally, Sunrise, Unpause, Gary Blauman This is how I would devolve in a Purge based society. I hate bad drivers so much lol If I'm going to be honest, Season 3 is the first one I had no expectations for and really until they closed it out I was enjoying it. I remember seeing the trailer for season 1 and expecting this Michael Myers type of treatment, but was ultimately let down. Then I realized they had an actual season 2 and watched that trailer. And thought OH, maybe a Friday the 13th type of story, but again I really came out of it disappointed with the expectation. When I watched the trailer for season 3, no single franchise really jumped out at me. Going into it I was going to treat it like any insert "_____ Day" or "_____House Massacre" type of series. Just watch it to see how they kill people. And, yeah with no expectations and just wanting to see how people die I was entertained more than the previous seasons. you might want to try and DVR either the latest airing or the earliest airing. Basically the post midnight showings. It follows the WWE show and they usually have overruns that go 5 to 10 minutes longer than scheduled. More often with the Monday show, but I think it is happening more with the Tuesday show. I still haven't watched the last two movies, but I've been a fan of the series. I was curious to see how it would play out as a TV show, but they are really dragging along here. I expected a small amount of framework to build up the show and introduce the characters. But, as soon as "The Purge" started it should have been all go and this is just not happening. I absolutely hate this cult plotline. As clearly if not after the first person knocked off, that second one should have caused some kind of revolt. I also really find the husband/wife at the fancy party storyline a waste of time. I'm into the contract killer angle, but they tried too hard with getting that character over or explaining the lady who hired her, motives. I'll probably keep watching it but it is going to be hard. Right now the curiosity for me is to see how "leatherface/gimpsuit" is going to cross with Miguel as I feel that is direct collision course. And I suspect the Contract Killer is on a collision course with the husband/wife storyline by collateral damage. I can't remember did they reach 300 or will they cross 300 in this new season? I do think it is time to end the show as it is really starting to feel like it is just going through the motions. My family is far from rich. I don't really remember it, but we had an Atari 2600 around this time. My mom loved the PacMan games and my older sister somewhat did as well. Hell I think my Mom was the main gamer in our family until like 1991. We got a Nintendo I think in 88 or 89 when I was about 6. I know my friends and I played the games, but we also still really enjoyed going outside and doing stuff. I can't remember if I got my Genesis in 92 or 93, but that was the start of when the video game consoles were no longer a "family" thing in my house. That was the first console that was strictly in my room and even still that would be something that got more play at night than during the days. As again my friends and I still preferred being outside until it was time to come in. And then if it was a weekend or something we'd start playing video games at night during sleepovers and stuff. LOL, For as much as I've enjoyed Criminal Minds I've never been able to get into the spin off's. I thought Suspect Behavior was in theory to close to the original to really work. And then Beyond Borders I think I watched 2 or 3 episodes but it never really grabbed me, despite feeling different. The show has been on so long that because of the way the nucleus is set up the Chemistry is never really going to be the same for the characters that get added in. I mean as long as you have Prentiss, Rossi, Reid, JJ, and Garcia everyone else is going to be an outsider to that and no matter how they write them some things are going to feel shoehorned. Case in point Luke is basically cast to fill Morgan's role so they blatantly have written him to share spots with Garcia that don't feel natural, but are part of the show because that is what Morgan would have been for Garcia. I also don't think the show could survive if they did a major blow up of the nucleus. Meaning I don't think the show could survive if it is Garcia, Reid with Luke, Tara, and four new additions. Even if they brought back Morgan or Hotch still losing that many of the nucleus would be tough to overcome. Agree. The way they just kept adding to everything that he was able to orchestrate was really dragging the show for me. I have always enjoyed Criminal Minds for what it was and I don't mind the Super Bad Guy that can last a few episodes. But this guy stretching from season 10 to 13, was just too much. And, really his ending was so flat, I'm not convinced he's dead as bad as that sounds. And the reason is because of how ridiculously over the top they've made him for the last couple of seasons. They didn't really have enough time to explain how the time re-set other than what they showed. I think Nick knows what really happened because he's the POV character, so it is always from his view point. He's living what we see, and it would make sense that because he's the POV character that took the journey and fought the ultimate battle he would remember what he did. Diana is the Super Hexenbeast Wunderchild so just like she could see the invisible images, and could tell that Nick was acting as Renard, or how she could tell Eve was around even when nobody else knew and on and on with her super powers. It fits that she would have been able to see and remember everything that happened because of how they wrote her. Which all things considered who the heck would want to be the parent trying to control that 13-17 rollercoaster of emotion/rebellion LOL.