monaker's Replies

My goodness, that is horrible! I saw this episode for the first time today, very predictable and boring. The clown was obnoxious. It looks awful! Please let us know if you end up liking it. The link wouldn't load for me..maybe it's too old. I've just seen this episode and it was upsetting. I truly want to drop kick the mom. I hope the girls will be far better parents than she ever was. I think Norma will kill Romero...he loved her completely but she only has room in her heart for Norman. I think "she" will protect him. Dylan and Emma are so boring, I don't really care what happens with them. Romero to Chick..."say it like a normal person." 😂🔫 Lol good one! "A stuffed cow that moves but doesn't poop. Some duct tape, so I can build a boat". 😂😂😂 The entire series is on Hulu and i watch it daily...pretty much every episode is a gem. Lol I had the same thought about his butt being sore but I wasn't sure how to put it 😂😂😂 I was a neglected child myself. In the 80's I remember my favorite movie was "Adventures in Babysitting". Ironically. Jason Momoa 😍😍😍 "We'really just killing time til the strippers get here right". Lol Anne Marie was awesome Lol I think you may be on to something. So he can show off his size 31 tag lol Jackie Chiles.. The old man that parked cars from one side to the other The exterminator Most of the Yankees Other than that, not sure "Elaine, I can see, not saying hello. She's very...... what's the word.. supercilious". I'm not sure if I like Chick. He's so shady, but such an awesome dresser. Lol. I definitely gained some respect for his character the way he sent of Caleb's body in such a ceremonial way. It was very interesting to see the house looking so dull and lifeless in the last episode when he couldn't "find" his mother. When she is present, the house seems more warm and vibrant. Loving this season! I stopped watching the show at this was just too cringe worthy. Lost and Delirious