kittensandpuppies's Replies

And...? He still says he's choosing it. Were? 😜 hownos, as a teen and into my 20's or so, that's who people would tell me I resembled. Not that I totally agreed but we had similar hair. Hands down, David Cassidy. I don't but I would love them no matter what. It's funny, just last night Kevin Spacey says he is now CHOOSING to live as a gay man. At least he knows it's a choice;) I think it's pretty strange that you claim to be a Christian but won't admit anything God says is true. You're even more confused than an atheist. godewey, And I can say exactly the same thing to you! It's people like you who are promoting hate because you can't accept that some have different beliefs than yours and automatically the go-to is that the other side has these phobias and hatred, which couldn't be further from the truth. That's why you can't comprehend it because you are closed minded. Whether you'd like to admit it or not. McQualude, God made human beings. He gave those humans something called free will. Here's where choices come into play. He created ALL people. It? God created a woman for the man. First book of the bible explains it. Satan influenced the couple to sin; the fall of man. Sin officially entered the world. Satan does everything counterfeit to God. He is the influence behind homosexuality. He's perverted and he seeks to devour. Did you know there are over 600 commandments, not just 10? CONTINUED..... “"I never stated that it was a sin. Acting upon homosexuality is." That is your words. That is what my last paragraph is referring to.” Ok my mistake for not starting a new paragraph! You took the 2 sentences, which were different thoughts out of context! Read it again. I was referring to gays having children when I said “I never said it was a sin.” Then I added to that and said homosexual acts are a sin. Here it is in its whole context: I just don't think it's right for a child to be subjected to having an unnatural couple raise them in that setting. This is my opinion, I never stated that it was a sin. (Here is where I should have started a new paragraph) Acting upon homosexuality is. “Since you are so devoted to the bible and adamant that homosexuality is an abomination, i hope you don't wear gold, pearls, eat bacon/any pork, eat shellfish, have tattoos, have sex before marriage, get divorced, gossip, eat more than you should, speak in church (if you're a woman), wear mixed fabrics and i'm sure there are many more.” Nice try. Some of those things were done away with in the New Testament and those laws no longer applied, such as eating pork. However, several of those things you listed still hold true today. “You don't get to pick and choose which sins you believe in.” Exactly! “You remind me of those Westboro Baptist Church people. The world is still a very underdeveloped place, it's sad.” I can’t imagine what I have in common with those folks but keep lying to yourself. Yeah, the world is messed up because of sin! "First of all, if it was a choice, why would people CHOOSE to live a life that people get shamed and bullied for?" Because the enemy is behind it. "you're not telling the truth, you're spouting hate because you believe in something out of fear." Fear? Fear of what? You're so off the mark, it's almost laughable if it wasn't so sad. "How on Earth do people flaunt it? You mean like heterosexual people flaunt it?" What do you call a gay pride parade? Heterosexual people flaunt what? If you mean that many heterosexual people are in deep sin over sexual activity, absolutely! Adultery, fornication, orgies, porn….the list goes on and on. There's a lot of sexual sin, not just homosexuality. "Uh, people can definitely be to blame for someone killing themselves. People kill themselves because of bullies all the time! I'd just like to add that you are no better than a bully. bible-believing Christians kill themselves too so that makes no sense." I never said Christians don’t kill themselves. You were singling out homosexuals. I’m glad you see the light! All walks of people kill themselves. Yes, including Christians. I'm not disputing that so you're the one making no sense. I'm a "bully" for speaking the truth? Hmmmm.... "If you think Satan is the cause of mental illness and suicide then i urge you to read some actual science behind it." In part he most certainly is. Another conclusion you jumped to instead of asking me to explain. There are mental illnesses having to do with the brain, a person's life experience, hardship, etc. But when the door to Satan is opened, he will certainly enter. Most don't even know he has! "You might be religious but not everything revolves around religion, don't be so naive." I disagree. Everything in life has something to do with God! He created us. Why shouldn't He have something to do with every aspect of life? CONTINUED...... That's what I call an opinion and that's fine. If you're not a Christian, I suppose it would be a very bitter pill to swallow, Dazed. You don't have to hold your opinion. I have thick skin. But I do appreciate your post. jackrt, According to God's Word it IS unnatural so on this we will just have to be in disagreement on. I never said I knew all the answers. As far as infertility, that is something only God knows the answer to. God did not MAKE people gay! It is a choice, otherwise it wouldn't be a sin that could be repented of. Invading someone's personal life? Really? They're going to do what they want, as everyone has their own God-given free will. I just so happen to agree with what God says, that's all. A thread was started, I commented. I'm sorry about your father. God bless your mother, aunt and grandmother! As I said, there are unfortunate things that happen to people. My opinion is invalid because because I said a gay relationship is unnatural and doesn't cause anyone harm? Well, God said it it is unnatural and I'll believe Him first. As far as it not causing any harm, I couldn't disagree more. "I respect people's beliefs - i'm not going to try change anyone's because that never works, honestly." I know I can't change anyone's mind, only God can do that. I'm just here telling the truth, according to the Word of God. Take it or leave it. "But it's these type of opinions that leave people in the LGBT community feeling ashamed, living their life in secret, becoming mentally ill and worst of all, killing themselves because they feel like they don't belong. Including young teenagers." Living their life in secret?! Not these days! They flaunt it! But they cannot blame their mental illness or killing themselves on anyone else. It's unfortunate this happens. It's because Satan influences these types of behaviors. He's to blame. Not God or bible-believing Christians! In your last paragraph, you should really read my posts over again as you have it all tangled up. Being homosexual IS a sin. Acting upon it is sin. Homosexuality IS A SIN! It's an abomination, in fact. You're making a lot of assumptions about what I posted, jackrt and you're mixing my comments with another posters comments. Don't twist my words. It's a complex subject, too much to get into here but I'll break it down in short. God made it possible for a man and a woman to biologically have a child together (and even if one doesn't believe in God, this statement is still true) but God made it impossible for 2 men or two women to have a child together. I have to take that into account on how he intended a family to be. I would never want to see a child homeless, of course I would not!! I would never want a child to be abused in any home, either. Sometimes heterosexual parents get divorced or were never even married and a child is raised by a single parent. I get that. Sometimes one parent or both dies. I get that too. Sometimes a child is raised by a biological parent and a step parent with their other parent co-parenting. I get all of these unfortunate scenarios. I just don't think it's right for a child to be subjected to having an unnatural couple raise them in that setting. This is my opinion, I never stated that it was a sin. Acting upon homosexuality is. I strongly believe it's important for girls to have a female role model, their mother - and for boys to have a male role model, their father, yet every child needs both parents. Again, those statements are just my opinion. I would also like to add that I truly believe that homosexual couples who have/want children really do/would love their children and want the best for them. I believe they have true and selfless good intentions. Heard it all before? Maybe God is trying to get your attention. Guise of Christianity? Keep those blinders on.... 2 Cor 4:3-4 2 Cor 11:14 Cat, I am very open to discussion. You of all people here should know this! If I wasn't open, I would have never left a religion I was in for 20 years! You can disagree with me. I've never gotten nasty with you over our differences before, correct? Just because we disagree, why am I the one looked upon as the person with no reasoning and impossible to reconcile with? All I've done here is point out scripture and explained why I stand where I stand on this issue. It was MissMargo who said she's a Christian yet she doesn't even believe God is the author of the Bible! Believing He is is pretty basic stuff for a Christian, even a brand new one. I was once "religious," in other words, following what a specific churches teachings are. Once Jesus became my Savior that all changed. I no longer am bound to man-made rules of a religion. In the bible, it talks about how Jesus had problems with the religious leaders of his day! Doesn't that make you wonder why they butt heads? "I don't believe god (my understanding/interpretation of what god is is very, very different from yours -- and from no doubt most people's) hates anyone or anything. You do. That's a very basic difference that's impossible to reconcile." Most people? Well, a lot of people I know see things the same way I do! We can each find people who will agree and disagree with both of us. I personally don't put much weight into what people have to say, not that I won't hear them out. But to find my answers I go to the scriptures to see what God has to say because He is the one who is right. And sometimes, it is a bitter pill to swallow. If you look, you will see that God does hate sin. Never once did I say God hated any person, as both you and MissMargo are convinced that I am suggesting. Please get that straight, if nothing else. Also, show me where I said that I hated anyone, as you are claiming I do. You won't find it, cat because that is simply not true! Well you just said a mouthful there, MissMargo! I've been saying all along everyone is a sinner, what bible are you reading, MissMargo? Is there no such thing as sin, according to you? If so, what is sin? You rarely ever answer any of my questions so I can see where you're coming from. You just avoid and blame me for what may be your own convictions that you are running from. So, what if you are wrong about what you think the bible teaches, isn't it time you faced the truth? What are you afraid of? Why continue living in a fantasy land? It's YOUR assumption that I was talking down to you. With God as my witness, I wasn't. Aww I understand, yawkee. My dad is gone but can't imagine when my mom goes :( My heart goes out to you and I couldn't agree more that children should have a mother and a father! Yes, kittens and puppies are people too!;). They always need homes!!