NotoriousGIB's Replies

It should be touted as one of the least scary movies ever. He doesn't resemble HF in the slightest to me. Jamie Costa should've got the part IMHO. Well, I just saw E4. It seemed a bit of a filler episode. The action was good but was a bit of a bore tbh. It's still not gripping me, I still don't have that excited urge to watch another episode straight after. I agree, I just watched episode 4. I don't feel any excitement or interest for much of it at the moment. I wish the story telling was a bit more linear, its all over the place. Literally the only thing keeping me watching right now is Joel Kinnaman's hot body, haha. I loved him in The Killing but this character seems a little flat and wooden Thanks, yeah I must have missed that bit. Just watched episode 4, there's seems to be a bit too much going on with all the side plots etc. The action is good it just feels like its lacking in a lot of ways. Maybe if I was accustomed to hearing that type of accent (I'm English) but neither I nor my partner could understand some of her lines and we had to 'rewind' it in a few places. Her English isn't bad it just wasn't very clear in some places. Not being able to understand one of the main characters lines isn't exactly nitpicking, its a fair comment/critique from where I'm sitting. Nothing to Lose 1997 ? Martin Lawrence and Tim Robbins Thanks for bumping to main page, I'm gonna check it out. :0) It does seem pretty overrated atm, might give episode 3 a try, maybe it'll pick up a bit. I'm predjudiced because I can't understand what she's saying? (would've been fine with more subtitles) and find her character dull and irritating? Ok then. We are all immigrants if you go back far enough. Irrelevant. I agree, especially n the first episode I struggled to understand some of her lines. She is a very irritating 2D character at the moment. Seems like she's just in it for a pretty face and a bit of diversity. I'm 2 in and I'm struggling... Totall agree! I wasnt holding out much hope on it but it had me gripped all the way through. It was one of the bet films I've seen in recent memory. The acting and atmosphere were superb, the perfect film to watch alone on a cold dark windy night. Spoiler.... Since I didnt know what to expect from it I was actually a little disappointed it didnt have a supernatural twist at the end. To me he kinda looks like Chester Bennington with a lower gumshield in. I'd like to know how too. He was so badly cast and the script was awful. I couldn't believe for one second this naiive, uncharismatic, high pitched dullard character was any rank in the FBI let alone an instructor... in the seventies, I mean really? This guy was the best of all the choices they had? I was really looking forward to this show and set out to marathon it last weekend. I couldn't bear to watch any more of it after the second episode. "Oh you only made it to the second episode, you should've stuck with it"... No, it was excruciating. I think it's the first time I've ever not managed to finish a series no matter how bad I thought it was. I'll probably just skip to the Ed Keeper scenes as they seem to be praised but won't try and watch again. I'd rather sit on the TV and watch the sofa. That's unfortunate. I was keen to see if anyone would add to the old discussion about his abuser in light of recent events. I like your theory, thanks! *Best looking guy that has ever lived. *Bump I'd like to know too. Just saw this. I've always thought I was Generation Y. I never heard the term Millennials until the last few years. I feel that people close to my age are the last generation who remember life pre-internet and aren't as 'fragile' as the snowflakes of the following generations. Idk, Im rambling typing this secretly under my desk at work.