jriddle73's Replies

She wasn't just totally inappropriate, casting her was a rather profound insult. Making it worse, the word is that on Themyscira in the movie, there are actual Amazon-looking women. WW, who is supposed to be the most outstanding of the batch, is a heroin-chic model. I'm glad the movie is a success and everyone seems to like it but casting her was a serious dick move. --- "The Dig" [url]http://cinemarchaeologist.blogspot.com/[/url] A lot more than doubled. Given that it's a recent innovation, it would probably be relatively simple to fix. That needs to happen. In the final days of IMDb, I put together a post that collected all the places people said they were going: [url]http://cinemarchaeologist.blogspot.com/2017/02/the-coming-end-of-imdb-message-boards.html[/url] I like the format here and have been doing some advertising for it but it's had some problems turn up recently too. Yes. I didn't get any warning; after a certain point, it just wouldn't allow me to type anymore. It [i]is[/i] some sort of change because I've written much longer ones here. I hope it's just a temporary glitch because a huge part of why I come here is that it lets me work in longer form than places like Facebook. It's like the old IMDb boards. Also, and this is even weirder, it won't recognize any formatted text after the first one. Like I had two italicized words in a post and it made a hash of them until I knocked it down to only one, then it worked. Now, it's down to 17%, only 8% among "top critics." Can't say this is surprising, really--the trailer looked absolutely awful--but when people are comparing it unfavorably to even the Brendan Fraser garbage, you know something has gone very, very wrong. --- "The Dig" [url]http://cinemarchaeologist.blogspot.com/[/url] She's a terrible actress and yes, she's utterly miscast in this part. I haven't seen the movie yet, so I won't comment on it but Gadot appeared in at least two Fast & Furious movies and no one qualified to render the judgment would ever confuse anything she did in them with "acting." More to the point, Gadot is a waifish model in the heroin-chic vein--physically, pretty much the polar opposite of Wonder Woman, and no amount of padding, CGI or quick editing will be able to get around that. Casting her was a profound insult and if the movie succeeds at all, it will be despite that choice. --- "The Dig" [url]http://cinemarchaeologist.blogspot.com/[/url] [quote]"I've been reading Hulk comic books since before my teens, and I have many books from the late 60s and all through the 70s, and I believe that Lee's movie portrayed the Hulk as closely and more truly to the actual comic book character than any other movie so far. Lee especially captured the Hulk comic book character from issue #170 right thru till about 1980. Some say the 'Hulk dogs' in Lee's movie are stupid, but in fact those dogs are exactly the sort of foes Hulk was fighting all through the 70s run of comic books. And if not that, then it was General Ross and his tanks and choppers and jet planes and bullets and missiles. All those scenes in Lee's movie are the Hulk."[/quote] When "zeeke" made the assertion that he disliked the movie "because it's not Hulk," he didn't even try to make any case for that, so I didn't bother setting him straight but this is a pretty good little refutation of it. The Hulk has even specifically encountered Hulk-dogs. Ang Lee's picture dropped the gamma-bomb aspect of the origin for a more modernized version and moved around some elements of Banner's past but his movie is [i]very[/i] much in the spirit of the comics. --- "The Dig" [url]http://cinemarchaeologist.blogspot.com/[/url] [quote]"As of Monday, that appears to be changing."[/quote] That was done in a pretty ham-handed way. I can understand Kim having qualms about what they did to Chuck but it just becomes too imbalanced when she lets it get the better of her and is suddenly saying all we did was take apart a sick man. She [i]knows[/i] the Chuck/Jimmy story. I also think it's a bit of a gap in the writing that she wasn't more inquisitive about Jimmy's envelope of money. She pretty much knew what had happened; that's the time to get back into whether it made sense to keep the place, especially since she knows the sorts of things he has done for money in the past. --- "The Dig" [url]http://cinemarchaeologist.blogspot.com/[/url] It was always an unbearably shitty movie--you're only just catching up. You're definitely going to be seeing me post a lot more regularly here. --- "The Dig" [url]http://cinemarchaeologist.blogspot.com/[/url] "Nothing is as it was 25 years ago. You won't get that feeling back." [i]Just[/i] getting that feeling back isn't really the point. This isn't meant to be a retread; it's picking up these stories after a very long time. I've been writing a bit about this lately. To return to this after so many years and after the original has so grown in stature is, for those involved, very brave. They aren't just competing with the wide array of excellent tv they inspired, they're also competing with their own legends. I have no doubt they'll come up with something very special. I just hope that doesn't get in the way of how people react. --- "The Dig" [url]http://cinemarchaeologist.blogspot.com/[/url] Chuck not only refused to allow Jimmy to work at HHM, he made Howard take the fall for that [i]for years[/i]. Jimmy set up his own practice and did what he could, then when he dug up a major case, the sort of thing that could have set up Jimmy for years, Chuck maneuvered to take it away from him. Jimmy wanted nothing more than Chuck's love and respect; Chuck called him a chimp with a machine-gun. HHM punished Kim because of Jimmy, so she worked her ass off to dig up Mesa Verde and when Kim was going to use that to help launch the joint law practice with Jimmy, Chuck went out of his way to steal the client away from her, which is why Jimmy resorted to forgery. What happened next was justice insofar as Chuck is concerned but the client suffered a setback as a result. Chuck set up Jimmy with the express idea of trying to take his livelihood. All of this is born of Chuck's pettiness and jealousy. Someone above said Chuck was right about Jimmy but that isn't true: in reality, Chuck has spent years building Saul Goodman. Jimmy is an excellent lawyer. If, when Jimmy had passed the bar, Chuck had acted like a decent human being, Jimmy would have probably gone on to a great life and career. --- "The Dig" [url]http://cinemarchaeologist.blogspot.com/[/url] I want to see a lot more of the only element that worked last season: more Z NATION-inspired nuttiness. --- "The Dig" [url]http://cinemarchaeologist.blogspot.com/[/url] "was it a grazing wound or something?" As I recall--and I wouldn't count on this--he was shot in the hip. But people have been magically recovering from horrendous wounds in virtually no time throughout the series. "Secondly, why do the trash people talk like cavemen. I hate it. Do they all have learning disabilities? ESL?" As others have already noted, it's for the same reason people recover from wounds almost instantly: really, really bad writing. In the case of the Garbage People though, I excuse it, because while utterly stupid, things like that--basically lifting from Z NATION but entirely misunderstanding why it works for ZN--make TWD much more entertaining. --- "The Dig" [url]http://cinemarchaeologist.blogspot.com/[/url] Thanks. I try. "Instead of encouraging and supporting Jimmy from this position he's been doing the opposite the whole time, thus pushing Jimmy the wrong way." Jimmy in fact cleaned up his life after Chuck got him out of his last major Slippin' Jimmy jam. Chuck couldn't just be happy for him; he immediately set about sabotaging him. Chuck has been responsible for Jimmy's backsliding all along, and while Jimmy idolized him, Chuck just scorns Jimmy. A horrible person. --- "The Dig" [url]http://cinemarchaeologist.blogspot.com/[/url] ZN is a much better show than TWD. If you loved the 1st season, you'll love the rest of it. Season 2 is arguably even better. Season 3 saw a plot-wrinkle that broke up the characters TWD-style and that drew some grumbles but it was still great. The eps focusing on one or a few characters were a blast.