adamdurrance's Replies

I've been wanting to watch those. I know Borden well enough and can skip those. Sometimes I can get ambitious enough to scour youtube but don't want to invest the money otherwise. Wouldn't mind seeing the one about the circus. Try to find what I can from the library. Of course now that the good weathr's here I want to spend less time indoors. I finished the series before it left. Quite a show. Found others ways to watch Angel. Spike comes back in the 5th season. He brought life to it. Looks really good. Left me wanting more. Sorry. Work has been busy and I usually come home exhausted. I do look many times but don't always feel inspired to start a topic. Kind of a lot of pressure to be one of the few as opposed to swimming in a group. That said I've been reading a lot on the actors this past year and know the show much more. Now I'm learning of some of the writers. I used to be able to submerge myself in the show but now I think I know to much about it to do that anymore. Interesting that Asher based the show on the movie Shane. Using his gun only when all else failed. Yes, that's it in a nutshell. Everyone is settling in. Scene is cringe worthy. Mystery Science 3000 use to make fun of shorts from the 50s like that. Good catch. The Bewitched History Book mentions that too. Funny how one year can change a look and feeling. Are you suggesting I take a dive !?!? Fun episode. Can't remember the teaser off hand. I liked when Gladys was trying to get Abner involved in getting fit. Recently saw "This Time With Feeling" and really enjoyed that too. It was the musical episode. Some parts seem to channel Ann Margaret. But it was funny when you saw his gloved hand raised above the crowd. Started the first couple of episodes. It is fun but the audio level is a bit low. Hope they fix it as it goes. Thanks for that info. Just now noticing the numbers. I guess the answer to that would be Alice Ghostly as their maid Esmerelda. She played thier mortal maid thst would alwsys mess up in season 2 for an episode. I actually liked her performance better there. Uncle Arthur bungled in an Aunt Clara way for one episode. Reading now and enjoying so far. I like that the episode descriptions are brief and we get some insight on production and personalities. I'm a little morbid and also like being given the birth and death stats. Just gives me a where are they now thing, and how they died and whether they are still around. Got this from the book. I'm sure many of you have already seen this. Big Trek fan and while I didn't catch it at the time, I realized it at some point with the help of the comments the fans made. Been rewatching BW throuhh and realized that this may have been the first non Darrin episode. That elephant has always left an impression with me. That explanation by Samantha at the end was hilarious. Lol Knew I was going to mess up the name. Takes me a while to learn a character name let alone the actor's. Thanks! Yes, I enjoyed that movie. The maid was played by the actor in so many other things I also liked. Hank Shearer I think the name is. Recently on Ray Donovan. Also had his own show called Huff and of course The Simpsons as well as Tracy Ulman. The late Anton Yelchin played his son on Huff. Omg, so good to see you contributing here. Was hoing to ask you if you liked this show. Hope this show on this board is your second home. Very lively group here I've noticed. As a kid, I really thought she went down the chimney. Thanks to this thread, I just downloaded my copy.