vandyvch's Replies

Not as often as I should be. We need to realize that there aren't the millions of people here that there were on IMDB - if we want the site to take off of the ground, we're gonna have to start rolling up our sleeves and putting the work in, even those of us who are more used to sitting back and replying to topics instead of making them. I don't know if the site will ever be as "good" as IMDB was, but at least the site owner here cares about us, that's a huge difference in and of itself. Oh I don't mean like I know IMDB's message boards are gone but am looking up info on a show/movie/etc. - but I had a memory lapse where I forgot the boards were down and wanted to go check the Politics board, lol The alternative with the MOST people would probably be IMDB 2.0 (, although it's running on free server software that could be pulled if too much traffic comes in. They're currently trying to get people to join instead (which is run by the same people). Roasted on a spit Plump Amazon CEO He thought he could win Please less of the mods They fucked us in the butthole Without any lube Sorry, these things are addicting to compose, lol Poor lil Col Needham Anally raped by midgets Who will save him now? Suck on my left nut So full of creamy goodness Bursting in your mouth Literally while pushing refresh on the Politics board. One second - tons of topics that I wanted to update, the next - poof! gone for good. Fuck IMDB Let them feast on their own turds Nice and delicious Alright, that's seriously awesome. I was wondering where an alternative to the "Database" bit of IMDB itself was - that's a wrap then - officially now no need to ever use IMDB again! I hope they don't delete inactive accounts, because I plan on never going back there again unless they bring back the boards, at which point I'd like to start using mine again. Literally all they need to do is add the most popular main boards from IMDB, such as Politics, etc. - and this place is essentially the new IMDB for all functions except specific movie info. Nah, it'll leave them with another hit, plus the "message" they'll probably take from it is that "hey, not enough people here, it was definitely a good idea to close the boards". I've been tempted to leave links to here on IMDB's Facebook page, but part of me says that's not a very wise idea to do that right underneath IMDB's nose where they can know exactly where pages like this are Nope, figured I'd let it stay so it could accrue some more years. I don't want to start from scratch in case the boards ever return. It was funny because they claimed their social media formats were being used more than the boards. I never even knew they HAD active Facebook or Twitter or whatever accounts until the announcement. Yeah, I don't think there's a trademarked color called "IMDB Yellow/Gold". I think at least that part's safe, and according to Jim so is everything else Well they did - just midnight UK time.