MisandryMermaid's Replies

Are you stupid? I am not "only paying attention to women who show skin." That is all the media pays attention to. Malala opened a school for girls, but the media was more focused on Kylie Jenner's birthday party that same week. I pointed out some sexist magazine covers to prove that point. I guess not. Men are celebrated for their achievements and talents. Men are respected. That's why men's fashion is about what looks respectable, and men appear clothed on magazine covers. It's undignified that women are naked while the men are clothed. http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2107768_2107767_2107763,00.html http://jezebel.com/5940681/gq-ran-out-of-clothes-for-its-woman-of-the-year That's because women are not respected, and treated as sexual objects. It's not "empowering" to be naked and valued only for your body, or what you can do to please men sexually. Throughout history, women's fashion was about nudity, and it still is. How much to show, how much to cover, which is dictated by culture, and men control culture. Women are treated as objects to be looked at. So. I got an idea, men. You can get naked on magazine covers and on instagram if you think that's "empowering", and I'll raise INTEREST RATES. How 'bout dat? yup yup =D This film series is very inconsistent. The studios don't care. The screenwriters don't care. The producers don't care. The actors don't care. The audiences don't care. :D Also, Captain Barbossa refers to Elizabeth Swann as "Elizabeth Turner", believing that she is the daughter of Bootstrap Bill. She eventually becomes Elizabeth Turner when she marries Will in the third movie. :D Why are you even asking feminists anything? If there are violent men prowling the streets making it unsafe for women to go out alone, then normal people should be more concerned about that. Dumb ass. lol men are so stupid!!! and violent!!! [laugh] Go see it!! You don't need to watch 6 hours worth film to understand it. Any reference to previous films is explained nicely. I haven't seen the first four films in quite a while myself, but I remember enough. She saved everyone from the various curses you barnacle. He's dead, Jim. I am just wondering what she has been doing for the last 10 to 15 years. Kramer lost it and called black patrons the n-word repeatedly and called for them to be lynched. Paula Dean was laughing at the hired help like a fat racist slave owner or something, and offended her employees on the basis of race. Sean Penn's son called a black man the n-word on video. People were not cool with it just because his father is a liberal. The difference between cons and liberals is that Bill called HIMSELF the n-word. What does that even mean? It's too absurd to even be mad. This "controversy" was bound to happen though, as this isn't the first time he's used the word on his show. I never liked it in any context so hopefully he'll stop now. Probably next week he dies. Strand is a supporting character. The show was about three families. The Salazars and Manawas are all dead, as far as we know, but everyone in the white family lived. She took one for the team. It was a realistic death in that kind of situation. However, he's probably still alive. I really like Crichton as well. One of his last works was a pirate novel. I have not read it yet, but it may be adapted into a film by Steven Spielberg. Moviechat.org scrubbed his posts, too. https://moviechat.org/movies/general/posts/58d5718fe496f600111a6710 https://moviechat.org/movies/general/posts/58cec219b1f0c90011dde32b This is the end of an era.