vishal8492's Replies

Yep , sensible to have both. This is incredible , open source it ? Maybe we've enough devs here who'd like to contribute , including me. The Kettering Incident This is empty board on moviechat , had good theories going on IMDB boards. That is beautiful. Persona (1966) , Undoubtedly my favourite Bergman :) Their recommendation and watchlist is fair game still. Impersonation would be rampant , and since IMDB doesn't provide 3rd party OAuth sign-in option , and no linking with userid/username at least none of them so apparent , it's far-fetched. I'll let Jim comment on this but just my 2 pennies. Scattered is bad , it's terrible. I already have userscript that directly links movie from imdb to here. Icon at bottom which takes to specific movie page , easier to navigate . That's how she likes it. haha , true that.Wait , I'm not too sure about that :) WTF ? Who said that ? Haha , you watch too many Court procedurals :p Yep , everyone's feeling same. There are lot of boards which are not archived though , is it possible all of them gets archived , as there were multiple teams who worked to archive boards , maybe everyone comes together.