MovieChat Forums > Dee > Replies

Dee's Replies

Adrian Paul There is a word, it’s called marking Body Double Charles Bronson Thank you. Nice to meet you Eyes of a Stranger I Can’t Drive 55 Cheeseburger in Paradise Charles wouldn’t mind the horse poop. He’s used to cleaning up after them and smelling like a dirty horse. Ma's pie There was an episode when Dr. Baker said "I'm not a doctor, I'm a funeral director". I'm sure that's what Reverand Alden is referring to. I actually felt sorry for Willie. Yes, he said some silly things, but I certainly didn't think it warranted standing in the corner pretty much the entire school day, every day. No wonder everyone thought he was so dumb. How could he ever learn anything that way? Honestly, I can't understand why Harriet didn't put up a big stink about it. That was Bobby Brady. I can only imagine Albert sharing the loft with Carrie after Laura married. Carrie: Albert, I hear a wild animal. I'm scared. Albert: Shut up bitch, you'll wake up Pa I know he was on Bonanza, and this is just my opinion, but I thought he was awful and incredibly boring. I was surprised years ago when I looked this episode up and there were tons of people praising it. I guess I'm more in the minority when it comes to my favorite episodes Some of the sites I've been on frown upon posters creating new threads. Don't want to cause any problems .