Pretty good movie

There were things about Voyagers that were criticizable.

Like an air-lock door that hinges open in towards the airlock is just bad design because the closing force of that atmospheric differential is working against keeping the door closed ... a bad design that would never make it to the build. Putting a single older male inside and responsible for the parenting of a crew of a pack of children. I can't see any designing body willing to spend probably trillions on an interstellar generation ship being so careless.

And some other sort of weird things, but the basic point, moral or message of the movie was not missing as anything serious is from the majority of movies these days. The unpredictable nature of human beings and good versus evil. It maybe could have gone a bit deeper and been a bit more thoughtful, but all in it, it was a well done and though-provoking movie.

The parallels with "Lord Of The Flies" are unmistakable, but updated and broadened to include a co-ed virtual island if a spaceship and a father-figure. Also the parallels between today's political climate are there, either by chance or on purpose pointing out that any overly emotional freedom overdosing group that wants to tear down the systems that have supported them since the dawn of time are in fact evil.

I'd give it a 6-7/10 .


Your biggest criticism (the first you mentioned) was the air lock design? Really?

Not the whole "let's put a bunch of horny undeveloped teenagers together and hope everything goes well" premise? Drugging the kids with a voluntary liquid but not telling them what it is and hoping and praying nobody finds out?

Hell, Richard wasn't even supposed to go with them. He volunteered last minute. They said with the addition of Richard, they could push forward the launch by 4-7 years. Well, this entire movie takes place 10 years after launch, so they were planning on putting a bunch of kids THREE YEARS YOUNGER on a ship and yeeting them off into space. Did they seriously think that was not going to devolve into the shitshow we saw in this movie? Who tf signed off on this?

Why on earth couldn't they start a few years later when they were fully developed adults?

Then the whole contrived plotline to keep this awful movie slowly chugging along, including the "alien" and the braindead-ness of the entire "crew", especially when Zac managed to flip the script on the murder tape. It's actually unbelievable that he was able to pull that off with a group of the smartest kids possible.

This movie was complete and utter trash. The ending was rushed and forced. I watched it last night and honestly can't remember what happened because it was so unmemorable. After the climax, they tried to tidy it up and slap a bow on this steaming turd like it was a job well done. Pathetic.

2/10 and even that is generous. The only redeeming part of this entire movie were the space shots and ship design. Even that was middling at best. I actually got a little bit excited at the prospect of an unknown force outside or inside the ship, but that was clumsily executed and poorly shaped. I should've listened the reviews and stayed far away.


I mentioned a lot of those things in other comments. You don't have to take such a hostile tone. I focused on the airlock because that is just something that is so obvious in physical design. I guess you disagree then?
