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Season 2 Will Explore Mariner’s Sexuality; And (Probably) Feature More TNG Cameos

Spoilers for finale in article. Queue the trolls ...

Speaking to Variety Mike McMahan referred to the character Captain Amina Ramsey (introduced in “Much Ado About Boimler”) as Mariner’s “close friend, confidant, and probably lover from the Academy days.” When asked to clarify, McMahan confirmed the character is intended to be Mariner’s former lover:

Yeah. We weren’t explicit about it, because most of the relationships in this show are familial or friendship love. It’s not physical love. That character showing up, the story we’re telling about them has nothing to do with any previous relationships they’ve had. For me and for the writers as we were making this, we didn’t intentionally mean for anybody to be strictly heteronormative or straight or cis. Every Starfleet officer is probably at the baseline bisexual, in a way. That being said, I am not the most amazing person at writing those kind of stories. I think we get a little bit better about it in the second season.
