MovieChat Forums > Nobody (2021) Discussion > Sort of true lies mixed with John Wick

Sort of true lies mixed with John Wick

The bright spot is that this guy looks closer to a common man, more relatable.

The actions are a bit of ordinary and dull, at least compare to John Wick and true lies. Hutch is not an exceptional fighter, his moves are quite ordinary.

Harry Tasker in true lies did not put his family at risk, it was all an accident.

John Wick has nothing to lose.

Hutch put his family in danger and it was all his fault. He was looking for trouble. Someone has no self control is not a professional. It seemed he used to kill and destruct to deal with his anger issues and desire for violence.

So this movie left me with a feeling that he was a criminal, a government sanctioned psychopathic murderer, he killed because he wanted to, it was an outlet. This is the sort of person should be locked in a mental institute, he was arguably mentally ill, a danger to society.

In the end he wanted a house with a basement, hinting of going back to old life. A basement is not going to protect his family, not if someone decides to kill his family on streets. How could he think again to put his family at risk?

I don't feel good about this movie and I don't feel good about Hutch. In the end Hutch is not the sort of person you want to be around.


You forgot to add a bit of "The equalizer" to the mix.


I guess there is a bit of that too, though Hutch did not do what he did for justice. He did what he did merely because he was upset and wanted to beat up someone, and thought he could get away with it.

He brought all the subsequent violence to himself and his family because he lacks self control.


And his plan was to upset the Russian mob even further so they would back off. A smart plan would have been killing the boss and that would be that.

But you can't get much actions off that. Without his father and friend he would have been dead, his family would be found and killed later because of the money he destroyed.

So in the end he was just a lucky moron.

To be honest the end is not over, he destroyed all that money for all Russian mob bosses, so the revenge won't end until all of them are dead.

So Hutch was just being stupid beyond belief.


Why is it always the Russian being the bad guys? Just like John Wick


Also in "Siberia" and "Stranger Things". I guess a lot of movies and TV shows more or less have some level of propaganda elements in them.
