MovieChat Forums > You (2018) Discussion > The name of the show should be "lucky yo...

The name of the show should be "lucky you" (spoilers until end of season 4)

In South America, when somebody is super lucky they say "a bird pooped on his head". When they have horrible bad luck, they say "this guy got peed by a rhino". Well, Joe Goldberg got pooped by a giant pterodactyl because this guy saves ass in every possible way. My take on this series is that it's a nasty, woke, aggressive social commentary on social media users and rich people. Rich people who don't work or weasel their way into others to make more money.

Joe is a kind of "avenging angel" feeling exactly what these rich, spoiled girls want him to feel: love and envy. Joe is a stalker, a really good one, who is capable of killing whoever bothers his objects of desire. Joe is single and poor and by the end of Season 4 he's exactly what he was fighting: A rich asshole who killed his way into a rich woman's heart.

He's so lucky I feel sick by looking at him. He kills and nothing happens to him. He doesn't get any punishment. He even dares to quote Dostoevsky in "Crime and Punishment" and dares to feel a bit guilty, but no change in behavior. This man abandoned his son, murdered his wife, murdered his girlfriend, almost murdered his previous girlfriend -who got killed by his wife, go figure-, and he managed to escape the country and live as a teacher in a UK university. How difficult that can be in real life? Extremely. But no, he manages to do it and we feel angry and frustrated about it.

He killed and killed all around and framed people who didn't care they were framed. He slept with beautiful women thinking of other beautiful women. The justification was "she's cheating on me" (just as his wife was fucking him while thinking of the teenager next door). He ended up in a New York apartment with a view of Central Park living with an attractive, rich British woman who hated her father so much she probably knows Joe killed him.

On average, the author of the "You" books combined her hatred for men with her hatred for the rich people who made her life miserable, by either rejecting her work or just existing out there. For me, the series became a drinking game: take a shot if Joe weasels his way out of a situation, take two if he desires another woman, drink the whole bottle if he kills by hitting somebody in the head.

I can go on and on, but for now this is what I think. I'd rather watch series with relatable, nice characters who are good and are willing to do good. In "You", besides Marianne (black, half French, with a drug-addiction past) and her gay co-worker, nobody was nice or didn´t deserve, in a way or another, to be killed by Joe.


And still you watched till the end. And so did I. And I have to admit I used ffwd quite a bit …

It’s not just lucky, how he gets out of every situation it’s …a mystery. Or how he affords his lifestyle with the low paying jobs that he has …


Joe is not telling us everything for sure. He can afford his lifestyle by buying credit cards from the dark web, use false IDs (at the end he mentions he could get a quick fake British passport right away from somebody who probably will play a bigger role in season 5)... Yes, I watched until the end because I was expecting a form of punishment to him, but that didn't happen. Same feeling I got when I watched "Natural Born Killers" back in 94.


Natural Born Killers was not really about them. The monster did get it's punishment ...


They were serial killers who didn't get the punishment they deserved. Not my cup of tea. Even Bonnie and Clyde got theirs.


Have you seen the movie?

They are serial killers because society and media made them so. That's the real monster of the movie.

And in the end they are "redeemed".


Show is not over yet.

Season 5 is likely to be the final season and I expect Joe will get his comeuppance.
