MovieChat Forums > Radioactive Clothing (1998) Discussion > The Columbine killers made a movie?

The Columbine killers made a movie?

Directed by Eric Harris?



onan, these two dweebs could have been future film maker and currently saving us from shit film we have today

instead they choose to be butt fucked by adolf hitler in hell for eternity! shame on these dweebs!

skool is hard for everyone but these dweeb were no strong enough. you must be strong to survive douche.


IMDb gave it a 7.8 rating. That's actually very good. I'd be curious to see it.

I mean it's about radioactive clothing which kill people. I wonder how these two clowns animated the clothing and made it look convincing?

Damn, there's a whole story behind Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold we know nothing about!


is this films available on youtube onan? i have to watch these two reject to see if they have talents.

they certinaly have skill for storytellings - radioactive clothes that kill? very good. that has my interest already.

yes i agree there is much to learn. i know they wear trenchcoat and get fired from pizza shop for being annoying douche but there is so much to learn about these rejects.


I'd be curious to see it too. Actually it's on YouTube!


thank you for bring my attenton to this onan i will be put there motion picture on my youtube watchlist!


It's amazing to think the impact these two had in American history and cultural landscape.

Too bad they were shitty at making bombs. 🤣

--Michael D. Clarke


yes think of how many mass shooter there are but we forget all of there names except these two rejects!

there has always been something about these two nerdlinger that we remember so well.

i think klebold was jew but he was fan of hitler. and eric was aryan so maybe eric was under nazi spell?

i read some of there diarys. i thought that i was bad in high school hahahahahahah. losers!!!


This man speaks the truth. Edgewhores like those two nerdlingers deserve no sympathy from anyone.


"edgewhores" hahahahah. i like this word!


"skool is hard for everyone but these dweeb were no strong enough"

This is incorrect. Harris and Klebold did not actually care about what the jocks did to them. They only cared about getting rejected by the people that they actually wanted to be around and they targeted those people. They did not target the jocks who picked on them.


yes this is true but being reject in school is still tough and if they are reject by cooler peoples then they need to be strong.

there are many lie about this case. american media create firestorms that blame fag marilyn mason when his shit music was not to blame.


I would've rimmed Eric Harris. Actually, nah, too waspy looking. 🤣

--Michael D. Clarke


That sounds like something I would say. Seriously. There's another Gameboy! Hahaha.


"That sounds like something I would say."

I know. That's why I said it. 😉

In all seriousness, no I wouldn't do that.

--Michael D. Clarke


Actually I wouldn't really say that. But you captured my style. Good parody. *My fucking paste button is stuck all a sudden, so no emoji!
