MovieChat Forums > Cobra Kai (2018) Discussion > Do they do this on purpose? It can't be ...

Do they do this on purpose? It can't be a coincidence.. but it makes no sense

Almost every time you see a katana 'on a shelf' or 'on display' in this show, it's the wrong way up.

The blade of a katana doesn't stay sharp if it's facing the wrong way, due to gravity and all that. To show proper respect to any blade, you have to store/display it sharp side up.

Katana's sharp side is the 'curved' outer side, while the inner side is dull - this much should be common knowledge. It becomes dull easier if the sharp side is facing down.

For some reason, in The United States of American shows (calling them 'american' would just be wrong, considering how the name began and what the word really means, but what else is new, about every 'norm' of this world is wrong) always show and display katanas the wrong way up, creating a 'smile' shape instead of a 'frown' shape.

This might be psychological, because The USAians are the most superficial people in the world (though japanese social interactions are also based on lies and pleasing others, following ridig and inhuman, robotic routines and conforming instead of honest expression), their smalltalk-culture is the biggest in the world, so of course they always want to 'fake smile' everywhere, even if it means the blade gets dull.

It just pains to watch Terry Silver, who knows the difference between 'kanpai' and the Okinawan 'chari' or whatever it was (I am not versed in Okinawan lingo), doesn't know the MOST BASIC THING about katana blades.

You can watch the Kill Bill-movies to see this same, strange phenomenon; when there's an actual japanese actor present, at least one katana is displayed correctly, but when it's left to westerners (as in Bill's home), the swords are stored blade down, dullifying them every second they stay that way.

I just wonder if it's to show how Terry's wealth got into his head and made him think he knows things he really doesn't, showing in a subtle way that his Japan-knowledge is at best very 'bought', very superficial, very 'rich snob'-stuff instead of truly learned, self-researched and deeply experienced true understanding.

It's painful to watch four katanas displayed with bright colors, every single one being a 'smile', meaning they're all stored the wrong way up (or should I say 'down'?).

Painful.. but if it's on purpose, it might make sense - otherwise, it doesn't.

USAians; please stop storing katanas in the wrong way in your The Office, Kill Bill and Cobra Kai (i.e. TV shows and movies)!

P.S. You'll note that whenever they show Hattori Hanzou's collection, every katana is perfectly correctly placed, stored and displayed. But when you look what Bill does.. groan. Also, what kind of storage method did Bill's brother use? Was that katana stored together with golf clubs or something? (I can't remember that well, but I am sure it wasn't correctly stored)
