Ben Stiller, Director

And not a very good one. He should stick to comedies like Zoolander and the like, because he's inept as a director of drama. The series was bloated and overlong and could have been 2 episodes shorter. The whole series cried for better editing to eliminate some of the extraneous detail, and episode 6, in its entirety, was unnecessary, devoted to the backstories of Matt, Sweat, and Joyce. That hour could have been shown in snippets of backstory during the first few episodes, rather than devoting an entire episode showing the absolutely brutal nature of the two convicts and the stupidity and dissatisfaction of Joyce with her life.

On the plus side, the drama of the escape itself, though not necessarily the follow-up of the manhunt, were good. The acting by Del Toro and Paul Dano were very good, especially Dano, who I'd never liked until this show. I'm paraphrasing another commenter who wrote, "Paul Dano, all grown up by now." As for Del Toro, he's always good. His acting in this was sometimes over the top, though that might have been how his character, Matt, was in real life.
