MST3K revival cancelled! WOOOO!!

This news story came out two months ago but I haven't it shared on any social media so I decided to comment on it here.

I had the same reaction to the MST3K revival as I did to them bringing back Captain Jean-Luc Picard... immediately saying "Oh, HELL YES!" to the news, then having a whiplash reaction to "OH, HELL NO!!!" when I found out who would be in charge of it.

Joel Hodgson literally made a deal with the devil to get MST3K back on the air. MST3K used to be the one of the most politically incorrect, edgy, silly, and fun series of the 90s as it mocked old sci-fi B movies. For the revival, Netflix brought aboard Elliott Kalan to be the head writer,as he had been former head writer for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. During his tenure, Kalan transformed The Daily Show from being a lighthearted, irrelevant, non-partisan comedy series poking fun at present day pop culture and politics, into a heavy-handed, preachy, nasty, bitterly partisan soap box where they felt it was their duty to "educate" viewers about what's "really going on". I had little doubt he would do the same to MST3K. With Kalan in charge, it wasn't a matter of "if" but when the SJW crowd would hijack the show. Most likely every episode would now be "Woke" and all the "jokes" would consist of snide remarks about how "this movie is soooo sexist!" "nah, this movie is sooooo racist!!" "yeah, its really really HOMOPHOBIC too!!! It was made by straight white cisgendered men! BOOOO!"

I have refused to see a single episode of the MST3K revival and I'm delighted to see Netflix pulled the plug on it after only two seasons. i wish we could get CBS to do the same with Kurtzman's Faux Trek!
