Kind of ironic ...

I never heard of Pablo until I watched this movie, "Lorelei".
He, or his role, was really off-putting, but I began to get
interested in the movie, and then started to like it in its own
quirky way.

About half-way through I wondered, who is this guy and these
characters in this movie, and found Pablo Schreiber .... Live
Shrieker's half brother on his father's side.

I was thinking to myself, this guy has a great future in these
small movies as a character actor, because he'll never be a
big star in one of these massive super-hero or SF productions.

Then I watched the rest of the movie and the screen collapsed
back to my streaming service ... which promptly suggested to me
that I would like "Halo". That was funny.

I watched a bit of it and I think it sucked. Another data point for
the theory that it is the writers, directors and property that is what
movies are all about, and the actors are merely furniture as
I think Hitchcock used to say.
