Uplifting movie

Play the Flute is exactly the kind of movie you’d expect from writer/director Rich Christiano: It unashamedly shares the Gospel, it looks good, the actors are well chosen, and the music will soar at all the right moments. What I was pleasantly surprised about is how the story doesn’t have a traditional happy ending, and it even leaves a major plot point (sort of) unresolved.

Top acting honors go to Brett Varvel in the lead role of Brandon. His easy-going charm translates well on the screen, and we want to root for him. Terri Conn plays his loving, supportive wife and comes off well. The youth group kids are, for the most part, cliches, but it’s interesting to see their character development. You’ll “hate” the spoiled rich girl, want to smack the “cool” guys (especially early in the film), and you’ll feel sorry for the bullied girl. Clint Howard does the best he can with the thankless role as a clueless restaurant manager, while Loretta Swit of M*A*S*H fame delivers warmth as a supportive aunt of the bullied girl. It was nice to see Fred Grandy, too!

If you’re at all uncomfortable with movies that have a pointed Christian message, you probably won’t like this one. But for those that love Jesus, or are simply trying to find answers, Play the Flute hits most of the right notes.
