MovieChat Forums > Snow White (2025) Discussion > Dwarf actor upset over Dinklage rant

Dwarf actor upset over Dinklage rant

Dylan Postl a (self-described dwarf) spoke out for his community and countered Peter Dinklage's post that dwarves are being depicted in an outdated manner (industrious, kind, heroic) by stating that "this is about roles that were made for people such of my stature that don't have the chance to go out for other roles normally."

He went on to say "these roles in Hollywood in general are very hard for people of my community to get, besides the elf and the leprechaun and this and that, so why are they being taken from my community? That's my issue here."


as they should be. hes a hypocrite who made his career out of playing specially dwarf character's. sometimes comically at their expense. and is now hes at the top and burning the bridges behind him.

Look fair or unfair a short person will never replace the Rock as the lead in an action movie.
