The Wave?!

Seriously, I haven't seen 3 more annoyingly unfunny people crying for attention since, well ever. I can't even come up with a funny analogy as even Adam Sandler, Kevin James and Rob Schneider are slightly less annoying. Whose ideas was it to bring these retards or is this special hosted by Make-A-Wish?


that was by far the most annoying crap i have ever seen. EVER!


By the end of episode 4, I agree they had grown from mildly distracting to off putting and annoying. I don't understand the gimmick.


Guess i'll be the lone dissenting voice here.. i actually like The Wave.. i watched Season 1 a few months back, now i'm settling into Season 2 and i find The Wave pretty ******* funny.. i mean, theyre not the absolute best thing about the show, but they're definitely not the worst... and i think they add a certain something.
