Has anyone seen this yet?

Is it any good?

Here's the trailer btw:



I did, and can't understand the low notes. It's a very competently written and acted character piece that deserves better, in my humble opinion. Also, there's some interesting and relevant themes involved there about father-son relationships, violent rites of passage and male bonding and confidence building through an ultimately destructive -albeit socially tolerated, or even applauded- activity. Also, the ending was, for me, one of the best I've seen in years in a movie of this subgenre, specially compared to recent similar offerings like The Monster, Always Shine or Arbor Demon, showing that you can have an ending that leaves some room for interpretation and discussion and be at the same time coherent, slightly surprising and carry a punch, as good finales should.

I can only imagine that the abysmal ratings are due to the unfortunate decision of marketing the film as something it isn't. Those entering it expecting to find a typical creature feature -nothing wrong about it, I myself love creature features to death- are in for a disappointment, as this is actually a character study with very little action, all concentrated in the end of the last act and surrounded by a certain surreal quality that, I suspect, was intended to accentuate the metaphorical nature of the events portrayed. In short, sure it wasn't a masterpiece but I found it to be an honest little tale worth telling and listening to -or watching, in this instance-, assuming that you're the target audience for it.
