MovieChat Forums > I Am Not Your Negro (2017) Discussion > I'm tired of films about racism

I'm tired of films about racism

But then I've been around for a lot longer than most, so have seen and heard much more about racism than most. It's like Israel and Palestine - the feud that is never fixed. I think Bulworth's suggestion about us all - from all different races - banging each other until we all come out brown, is the best solution I've heard. In that spirit, I offer up my extreme whiteness to a black goddess of similar thinking.
Or, barring no response there, an Indian woman.
Or, barring...


There are at least 400 films released every year in the United States alone. It's not like you don't have choices. But in that same vein... I'm tired of white people embarrassing me by association. So, please stop.



Out of curiosity, where do you live? If in the US, what state?



I can give you the one thing that even the great Galactus needs!


As long as racism continues to be a problem in America, there will be movies about racism.

This isn't the end


A paradox!


Yes. I'd equate it to the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. They're never going to fix that thing.


So in the meantime let's just pretend it doesn't exist? That's your solution?

This isn't the end


I'm thinking it's more along the lines of, if they clinch their eyes shut and put their fingers in their ears long and hard enough, when they open them it'll all magically be gone.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


Well, black folks and other people of color are sick and damn tired of having to deal with racism,period,as long as we're been a part of America---hell,we're Americans,too. Just like we're had to do for over a couple of hundred years now. And having interracial children sure as hell hasn't make it go away. So your whining about films about it dosen't mean jack in the larger scheme of things---especially if you're never even had to deal with it as an actual problem threatening you.
