At times funny

Russell Peters is well known for his one shtick race jokes (mostly for brown and yellow audience with his jokes about Indians and Chinese especially via his accents) but he is a funny guy.

I was surprised to see his show pop up as a recommendation and after watching S1 of The Indian Detective I think it is a bit of a hit and a miss.

A few notes -

- cliche start and plot
+ some funny dialogs and jokes
+ ridiculously hot lead actress with a very weird Hindi accent. Speaking of which
- really bad Hindi accents from the police constable, magistrate and few others. I mean, c'mon. They look like they're in Mumbai (maybe canned shots). Could they not have hired local talent?
- Wow. Mumbai is depicted as just mostly filth and poverty and slums. Have they actually visited Mumbai/Bombay? Sure, it has poverty in droves but there's also lots of riches and new things. In fact, Bombay is quite similar to NY actually. Having lived in both, the similarities are there
- Russell Peters is REALLY out of shape man. He really needs to watch his diet, exercise and maybe then he'll get better and more serious roles.
+ Captain Kirk. He's good in everything

Overall, the plot is quite simplistic initially but it is meant to be light hearted thriller/comedy I guess?

The girl is ridiculously hot but isn't a very good actress as such. Still, hope to see her more in other roles.


I mini-binge it today, it was a cute show and doesn't take itself too seriously as a dramedy. Agree, Russell Peters needs to go on a diet he is a big boy.
